Forum Discussion

SimQueen1992's avatar
8 years ago

Strays in my house!!

Why are there strays wandering in and out of my house and how do I get them to leave?! What an annoying feature

26 Replies

  • This happened to me 2 days ago, my Sim went to visit her parents house and there were 2 strays in the house. I used the "shoo" interaction and they went away
  • > @luthienrising said:
    > I saw a post suggested that there are lot traits that attract strays. Maybe you're using one of those?

    i put a cat hangout trait cause i wanted to adopt strays and i ended up adopting 3 so i have 5 cats since i started with one and adopted one online. i have way to many cats wondering around.
  • That is what the hangout options do. It attracts way too many. I had the same problem with the dog hangout, @RosePetals8 Maxis needs to modify that so much.
  • > @Dawn121212 said:
    > I remove the lot trait but the strays are still not leaving. I've tried shooing them, but nothing is working. How do i fix this???

    I had the same problem, but I saved my infested house and lot in my gallery and kept it furnished, so I could have the same house with the same stuff in it (but doesn't save the strays in it) Then, I went to "manage worlds" and I put down the saved house in another lot. then, I moved the household after giving them enough money to buy the house I put on a different lot. I then transferred them to the new house (With no stray cat trait on it), deleted the original with all the strays, and that finally solved the problem. Hope that helps!
  • I haven't had this issue yet either, although I would quite like my sim to see a stray as he's a cat lover!