Forum Discussion

LaurenLoser's avatar
7 years ago

Stressful Harvest Fest

Ah! Just finished my first Harvest Fest. Ay, yi, yi! As IRL, talk about stressful. My sims are exhausted!

I planned to invite the neighbors for dinner and I made outfits for them and my sims. After decorating, cooking and making sure my sims were dressed properly, I invited neighbors over. Of course they show up in totally inappropriate clothing so as I'm trying to get them to show the right outfits. Meanwhile, one sim is constantly trying to grab a plate before I'm ready to call everyone, another sim is eating cereal while a beautiful turkey dinner is waiting, dad went out to take out the garbage so now he's in his winter clothes, and the toddler went to bed. It took every ounce of my patience to get everyone clothed and eating at the same time! After dinner (which finally happened and went well) mom immediately went to sleep. I mean, I don't blame her, but they still have guests!

A few lessons learned: make sure everyone has their party wear planned and throw a dinner party so everyone automatically changes. Hide dinner in household inventory until absolutely ready. Also plan dinner early so sims aren't trying to go to sleep.

The guests have left and everyone is sleeping peacefully. I think I need a nap, too! That was hard work! :D
  • My Harvest Fest ended with a gnome invasion. They basically destroyed my house -- every sink was shooting water all over the place, Sims were crying in their rooms. Good times :expressionless:
  • "Rae357;c-16576652" wrote:
    Another ruined holiday, he's just not good at these. My sim proposed on Love Day to his best-friend/soulmate/girlfriend, maxed relationship and she turned him down. He was mortified.

    Oh no! I’ve never had a sim rejected before! Kinda wish it would happen... makes for interesting stories anyway! >:)

  • "Derella;c-16576705" wrote:
    My Harvest Fest ended with a gnome invasion. They basically destroyed my house -- every sink was shooting water all over the place, Sims were crying in their rooms. Good times :expressionless:

    :# I disabled gnomes. They seem fun, but not for my current save (too unrealistic).

  • Pegasyms's avatar
    New Spectator
    "Rae357;c-16576652" wrote:
    Another ruined holiday, he's just not good at these. My sim proposed on Love Day to his best-friend/soulmate/girlfriend, maxed relationship and she turned him down. He was mortified.

    That happened to me when my sim proposed to his GF on WinterFest - she turned him down. Haven't had that happen in a long time in my game.

    My sim was very upset. His GF still ended up getting pregnant, but he kicked her out after she had the baby, and he found a new GF/wife.
  • Ugh I gave up on trying to get them to be in the right outfits. I am getting more and more annoyed that they don’t change out of their cold weather clothes once they’re back inside! What’s the proint of having a thermostat if the sims are all going to sit and eat in their hats and gloves anyway? That and the excessive lightning strikes are starting to wreck the whole experience for me! Good thing I love so much about the EP too
  • Reddestiny921's avatar
    Seasoned Vanguard
    I rotated with four families for one Christmas the first three got everything but the last was just scraping by on time, I think if I had prepared dinner on Christmas eve like I had some decorate for that could have gone smoother. Though I'm odd so it at least sounds enjoyable, maybe give yourself an extra day to prepare.
  • "Derella;c-16576705" wrote:
    My Harvest Fest ended with a gnome invasion. They basically destroyed my house -- every sink was shooting water all over the place, Sims were crying in their rooms. Good times :expressionless:
    Way to funny but sad to during a holiday :joy:
  • A fire erupted in my house during harvest fest, the gnomes also struck my sims with lightning! Everyone survived tho so it’s all good.