Forum Discussion

mcrudd's avatar
Seasoned Vanguard
5 years ago

Suggestion to Guru's

Hi Guru's.

Loving the new Spark'd challenges, but getting a teensy frustrated with people uploading not reading the rules. When we want to upload something we do get a pop up...

but I think many people don't read the rules since they are on an external page that gets opened. Perhaps you could just have the basic rules on the pop up for the challenge.'


You must upload a wedding couple or wedding venue
No custom poses and cc to be used
Remember to use the pg rated rules as usual

Then when the challenge changes, you can just change the first rule. I think its best that simmers can see the top rules as the pop up comes up to accept that its indeed a spark'd challenge you are uploading.

Before simmers get upset with me about the suggestion, its just I wanted to browse through some entries before I made my own to make sure I don't do something similar than others and there is so much none related sims and lots on there and for some reason they come up as most popular as well so its pretty hard to scroll through it all. This is just a suggestion and my opinion, I truly are not trying to upset anyone in any way. Happy simming everyone <3

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