Forum Discussion

Cerimonster's avatar
11 years ago

Sylvan Glade **Spoiler Alert: Do not read if you hate spoilers**

There is a beautiful little fantasy tree in the town by the river. My sim would always pass it while jogging and one day when I moused over it I noticed there were interactions. I watered the tree a few times, and then was rewarded with more interactions. Long story short, the side of the tree opened up and my sim was able to enter the tree. I expected it to be a rabbit hole similar to the Crypt in the Graveyard in TS3, as it led me through a series of Q&A's that were similar. What a treat I was rewarded with when a load screen popped up and I zoned into a picturesque fantasy. This pretty little glade awaited me, and fishing in the stream rewarded me with some cowplant seeds. Sweet!!! Lots of frogs and other rare fish to be had as well in both the pond and the fishing hole with the rainbow over it. Rare and Common harvestables also await you in this glade. This is by far my favorite discovery in TS4 thus far!

Screenshots! :D