Forum Discussion

thefirsttemplar's avatar
Seasoned Traveler
4 years ago

They should make a Sims spin off with Star Wars.

Journey to Batuu is a nice idea, but especially as a gamepack it's such a small sample that only makes me want more.
It may not fully fit with the sims, feels more like a themepark location, I think this really is the kind of theme that would be much better as a spin off.

Not like sims medieval, but something closer to the sims experience. Probably not a full on copy since it should have different stuff to offer too and be it's own thing. Less focus on family life but it would be possible, all age stages would be present.

Timeline could be kept vague, stuff from all movies could be present. Expansions could add new planets (which would be the same as a neighbourhood.) and such an expansion would add the costumes, objects, architecture and other new gameplay fitting for that planet.
A little customisation of uniforms could also be possible and each planet could even have unique uniforms by default for certain jobs.
For example a Naboo security guard has a different outfit than a Bespin security guard. But you can customise the uniform of either to be what the other wears or one of other options.

There would also be a battle of light and dark going on, no big battles or such, that stuff would be in rabbit holes since this is not a war game.
But the galaxy can be flipped back and forth between a republic and an empire, and there could be multible ways to do that.
Like sims medieval, sims can kill other sims here. Like in a lightsaber duel. Or a blaster duel, which would be like a western stand off. Both could also be done without killing the other.
Like your sim could be a bounty hunter who can take targets in dead or alive, it paying more if they are alive so they disarm them with a shot. They could also take them in through various other means.

I'd put in a nice amount of regular careers that would be rabbitholes. Like security, politician, doctor, scientist, engineer, etc.
But aside that also active careers for the most popular and exciting roles in star wars:

You'd need a ship for this that is your home. That's right, the game allows for space ships to be your home. They work similar to apartments, you can't customise the outside much aside from colours and maybe some ship upgrades showing, but you can modify the interior.
As a smuggler you get to deliver shipments for payment, and get to choose from different employers. Some give low risk low reward jobs, others like a Hutt crime boss gives high risk high reward jobs. Failing causes them to send bounty hunters after you.
You can upgrade your ship for benefits like being able to smuggle more goods, become faster to outrun authorities and be able to fight back if need be. There's no space combat in game, that's just a pop up screen. You just see your sim in the cockpit flying.

-Bounty hunter.
Does not need a ship as big, a fighter can suffice. Which you can have if your home has a landing pad. It's the career with the highest chance of death from various causes since your sim works alone. It's not always about killing or bringing in a target, sometimes you have to remind people of a debt to be collected, make a delivery somewhere or some other fetch quests.
It's the best paid job in the game due to the risk, when given a job your sim has to research the person and location, they have various tasks of prep work to do before doing the mission.

Only those with the force sensitive trait can become Jedi. Depending on age they are first a youngling, as teen or adult they start as Padawan and can become a knight and a master if they train a padawan to knight succesfully.
They learn to build a lightsaber and use it, and also can learn various force powers.
And they can take missions from council members, each council member gives a different type of mission.
These are things like fighting a dark Jedi or even a Sith, investigating disturbances, settling disputes, etc.

Also requires force sensitivity, but unlike Jedi, this does not include interaction with an organisation. Instead, this involves finding Sith holocrons. If your force sensitive Sim finds and studies enough of them, they can declare themselves a Sith and take on an apprentice.
You can have as many masters and apprentices as you want, but they always are linked as a pair and the apprentice might get the wish to kill the master to take their place.
Once they are a Sith, they can do various dark things to further their agenda. They always want to either create an Empire or serve an Empire if it exists. Or replace it's current Emperor.
Because they are not like other careers, a sim can be a Sith and join any career, and get unique options in it. They only can't join other active careers like smuggler, bounty hunter or Jedi.
Light and dark side would play a factor for force users, affecting what force powers they can use and learn. Would also be a requirement for a Sith to have at least a degree of dark side points. Mean and evil interactions give this to them, in the amount appropriate to the action.

Also you can build various droids, cybernetics could be a thing too for your sims. And aliens would play a bigger part.
Like some aliens could get advantages in some challenges or rabbit hole pop up choices. Like if they are immune to poison, are an aquatic race, etc.
Also while humans would learn all skills at the same pace unless traits say otherwise, each alien type could have one or two skills they learn faster and some they learn slower.
Some could also be unable to have the force sensitive trait and may be more limited in their career paths. Like a Wookie for example.

Initially, the game could feature like 8 playable races which are more humanoid, but each expansion could add a new one that's more ambitious and less human, but might toss in a new very human like race as a bonus. And also some races would speak in their own unique language!

Base game could already include Wookies as a special race, big selling point after all. But also Twi'leks, Zabraks and other very near human races that at most require some different hats.
Expansions could add more exotic races like Rhodians, Kel-Dor, Yoda's species, etc.

There could also be some planets to discover and explore that you can't build on. Places you can find artefacts, lightsaber crystals, rare materials, plants, etc.

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