Forum Discussion

Daanniielle's avatar
8 years ago

This toddler is driving me insane!

I've gotten to the point where I have just spent all my sims money to build a granny flat so the grandparents can move in to help with this devil child.

He will not eat! Every time they try to feed him he throws the food onto the ground and then complains he's hungry. In the mornings after being awake for a few sim hours he decides to remember that he had a nightmare that night and starts cry. When ever anyone tries to comfort him he pushes them away.

He apparently does not like baths because almost every time he is bathed he wants out before he is clean (not sure if this is a bug or not) and I have to start the bathing process all over again

Both parents have full time jobs and caring for this little boy is killing them. They can't eat, they can't sleep. They definetly have no time for themselves. I'm excited to see what happens once I get the grandparents moved in. As hellish as my sims lives are right now I'm ready for baby number two!

(I'm not complaining I just wanted to share my toddler horror story) I will however complain about the toddler bugs they are definitely make caring for this little one a lot harder. Sims constantly pick up and put down the toddler repeatedly for no reason. I've noticed when being read to sleep after the story is done the toddler gets out of bed (angry because he is tired) and then climbs back in to go to sleep. I'm assuming that the random nightmare moodlet when the child isn't sleeping is also a bug. When I click on the energy need to send an EXHAUSTED sim to bed "pick up toddler" is queued instead
He sure is cute though