"danceswithchaos;c-17417639" wrote:
...They also won't get abducted I'm told unless you are on your home lot, so you could get rid of the telescope on his home lot and only have him use it on a public one.
I don't know who told you this, but they're wrong. Your Sim can most certainly be abducted anywhere, not just at home. Case in point, this is one my ER2R Sims hawking his wares with a yard sale table in the Spice District. Also, he's not a Scientist or an Astronaut and he doesn't have any space rocks or telescope. Nothing at all related to the normal suggestions to do to get abducted and he was
still abducted. I think he just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. *shrugs*
In addition to what's already been suggested, there is one other simple trick you can do that guarantees your Sim will not be abducted
while at home. Lock their doors at night for everyone or at least the Sim you don't want to be abducted. Yes, I know that would be a pain to remember doing it every night, just as the satellite has to be reset every 24 hrs. But if you're that opposed to the idea, after awhile it'll become routine. Just a suggestion.
I agree a toggle on/off would be nice for those who don't like the abductions. I myself find it entertaining and had been trying for years to get an abduction baby. Finally happened just a month or so ago and I've had TONS of Scientists and Astronauts abducted over the years. One guy was abducted 8 times and it never happened. I guess from what I've read the percentage has been lowered quite a bit for abduction pregnancies.
Oh, one more thing, keep them inside with the doors locked between the hours of around 11 p.m. to 4 a.m. I've noticed over the years, those are the hours most abductions will take place. Hope this is helpful.