How to avoid alien abduction - at least for females - (not tested on males, but probably should work?)
Note: I am not an EA person, so this is just from experience, not from an official anything...
Requirements: Must have at least one other sim in play elsewhere in the Sim Worlds in the same Sim Universe (saved game)
Note: We attempted - unsuccessfully - to use the resetSim method, however that completely did not work on the Xbox one, as there is no right click. However, this method does not require right clicking.
It may, however, require a cheats on, as the player who noodled this one out had all the front trigger/buttons pressed during the event due to anxiety...
However, I don't think that should actually matter. I think the steps will work regardless.
1. Pause game as immediately as possible - before entry into ship if possible.
2. Go to Manage Worlds - either by menu or by clicking the grid icon on the far upper right. (Do not save!)
3. Pick other sim to play and play them for the next sim day and night. On the day after - during daylight - you may return your to your other sim in play; so long as they are in daylight it should be safe to return. (Note, the player noted that it took a long time for the xbox to open the scenario, so there is some heavy computing going on in the background, however the sim to being returned to did open).
4. Sims in the household should be unaffected by the abduction at this time. We noticed zero moodlets related to abduction.
Note: I think this really only works if you get to the other sims house via the map. DO NOT SAVE!! until after you have played the other sim into the next day daylight! And make sure to do so before the abduction actually takes place.
Note: This should work for any system given that it's a skip to the other sim kind of fix and does not require any special toggles that I'm aware of.
Note: The player who had this event happened, had just had two lightning strikes in her household as well as this happen within less than 24 hours. She also had the 24 hour satellites, however, even though the satellites are toggled, they tend to only allow resets further and further in. Meaning, it is not just 24 hours, there is a cooldown period. She finally worked out that one must reset during the day and if the reset takes you into the night, one must go play another sim for a few days to start the clock over, in order to avoid abduction. Given that this does not actually solve the problem of "never abduction" there really should be a manual toggle like one finds for seasons, for those who have bad reactions to this particular game event.