Forum Discussion

WolvesCreek's avatar
New Spectator
5 years ago

Todays the day I uninstalled the Sims 4, after 6 years and its was hard.

First off I'm not a Sims 4 hater - but I am a sims story teller and after six years of "fighting" the Sims 4 to tell my stories, I've come to realize the Sims 4 IS a game to be played rather than a open doll house to do what I want, how I want.

This really didn't hit me until I was headbutted aka played the new Star Wars pack (which I was excited for) only to find myself playing in a world of many restrictions. It was like all the things that drive me nuts about the Sims put into one neighborhood.

Now you might say "but Tolkien, you can make whatever type of Sim you want in the Sim 4 - heck you re-populated the entire Sims 4 game with new custom sims, homes and buildings and tell whatever story you want!"

Which is true, yes but the moment you step into live mode the Sims 4 I step from the chair of creator and into the chair of a sims management style game governed by sims emotions.

More so the sims 4 really is more of a game in another persons sandbox, rather than an empty dollhouse to tell your stories like previous entries, sure you can put your own sims and buildings in it - but you have to follow their rules, do their activities to get there.

Which makes it even harder to tell my stories without "gaming" to get there, be it objectives or emotions.

You see as much fun as I've had playing it...I didnt realize how stressful the game was to TELL my stories in for those reasons.

I know I will eventually reinstall Sims 4, maybe years from now after the last pack comes out and do I feel so stupid buying all these packs at full price only to see them constantly on sale 2 months later. From somebody who owns all the packs, the Prima collectors guide and even the official emotion light Plumbob USB from collectors edition...I have to say I felt a sense of relief uninstalling the Sims 4, even if it was hard to uninstall.

But until than, I don't expect I'll like the super social online only Sims 5 game that's coming next let alone with more emotions...because by far, thats one thing I will not miss from the Sims 4.

Beyond that I recently reinstalled the Sims 3, boy what a different experience from the Sims 4 and hey it runs good now! But this isn't a comparison thread, its a goodbye for the Sims 4. And it wasn't easy...

Has anybody else done this and found it difficult but somehow...relieving too?