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coloncocon's avatar
Seasoned Hotshot
27 days ago

Too many "Lovestruck" couples everywhere!

I knew there was a similar discussion. However, I didn't find the discussion about this issue about "everywhere" yet. So, I start a new one with the information from my testing with my saved file.

(Disclaimer: My save is modded, has MCCC, and has "Show Sim Info" to get info.)

I visited a park in Chestnut Ridge and found a couple named Roswell who live in Strangerville. It's so lovely, isn't it? But there are some strange things about this.


If you have Strangerville GP, you will know that... Townies who live in Strangerville "rarely" spawned outside their world. Some places have exceptions about region limits such as restaurants, bowling lots (team members with uniforms), gossipers in Finchwick Fair, etc. You can't find them appearing outside without a special role.

Then I have evidence that it's a Lovestruck (EP16) issue. I used the "Show Sim Info" mod to see the name of their role and found this (red underline).

This can make sure that they are spawned by the game to have a date.

In another try that I played for a longer time, after a few minutes, the game spawns at least 3 couples. I saw from other players that it can reach 4 couples too.

About my personal opinion.

  1. It would be cute and lovely if it's only 1-2 couples and has the more rare chance to appear such as 10-20% or 50% at most. It shouldn't be every time like the current situation.
  2. They should respect the region-limited rule if it exists. And they shouldn't appear in the place they shouldn't be such as temple ruins in Selvadorada. 
  3. I think it would be better to give "EP16NPC_VenueDate" sims in a specific place to make it more special. Why don't they appear mostly in Ciudad Enamorada, the city of love? I wouldn't complain if it's like that. You can spawn as many lovers as you want in the city of love!
  4. Or I think it can be like "The Festival of Light" in Mt. Komorebi where couples from every world are spawned.
  5. It should be a collab with Seasons EP's Love Day too. I wouldn't complain much if the couple is spammed on this holiday. (But please don't give "situation outfit" to them cruelly lol.)

I don't mind about the same couple appearing again and again if it's for a more special situation. This time, I can't make up my mind to play the main save until there are some mods to fix this.

(Sadly I can't disable this pack because I already use the new hairstyle from this EP in my main sims because it fits him perfectly. And I'm busy lately, so I can wait longer.)

That's all! Feel free to share your thoughts. I hope this will be tuned or fixed soon!

P.S. I don't save this process in my main save, but I am honestly happy with Roswell for having a lovely moment time during this short period, even in the Gym! And it's so ironic that it's Love Day in my main save right now.


  • I don't mind the couples dating, I think they're very sweet actually and I love seeing them around at places like parks, bars/lounges, restaurants, etc. in most neighborhoods and also at most events, but it does get a little ridiculous when the Landgraabs pop up in Moonwood Mill being all lovey-dovey surrounded by an entire population of ruffian werewolves.  That doesn't strike me as a romantic atmosphere, unless maybe you're a werewolf.  And there's a couple other spots in the game where I just don't feel the romantic vibes. 

    I wish there was a way for us to set which sim couples would pop up and which individual lots they would more likely pop up at and how often.  It would be nice to have something like this available in CAS for sims that are in a relationship, maybe?  But grayed out for those who are not?  I'm not sure how it would work.  And I tend to edit and micromanage my game-generated townies anyway.

    • coloncocon's avatar
      Seasoned Hotshot

      Yes, it will be ridiculous when the couples pop up in the wrong place or wrong occasion. And as each player's playing style is different, not everyone is okay with this level of spamming. 

      Individual neighborhood settings are possible if they do. If they can show only locals in some worlds (such as Komorebi, Sulani, Tomarang), and make some locations a bit empty (such as Jungle, The Bluffs), making couples have different spawning rules should be possible.

      Setting the spawning rule might be too hard, so I don't expect this. I want them to tone down this, or I may have to wait until someone do mod to stop this

  • elliebreton's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran

    I did think it was quite cute when I first started seeing them but, yes, they are everywhere!

    Maybe I should go into all my parks and delete the benches lol.

    • coloncocon's avatar
      Seasoned Hotshot

      Oh, it's the same location where I saved my screenshot for making this discussion. It's too much and if you have very few adult couples, the same sims will appear repeatedly.

  • Looks like the bug report about couples appearing everywhere and canceling out regularly spawned townies got moved to Feedback & Ideas. 

    However, when they show up in special or destination lots, that is still being regarded as a bug- I guess because it is more opposed to the intended behavior of those lots? even though it's the same issue

    Anyone know if it happens in Batuu?

    For anyone who uses mods I highly recommend HomeRegions by kuttoe, which doesn't have controls for couples appearing, but you can restrict which worlds sims can appear in, based on where they live. Kuttoe regularly updates the mod for things like tourists and high school classmates, so it wouldn't surprise me if toggles for couples on dates appear.

    • mightyspritesims's avatar
      New Hotshot

      Just following up to say that someone on Discord pointed us toward a little mod by Down in Simsland that addresses this issue. I don't have the link, but hopefully searching by creator will help people find it.

      • coloncocon's avatar
        Seasoned Hotshot

        Thank you, someone already posted the mod that you mentioned above too.

    • MissNenne's avatar
      Seasoned Traveler

      I believe Batuu was safe before i uninstalled the game.

  • coloncocon's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot

    In my playtest of two mods posting here. They have different results.

    LittleMsSam - RSM (Lovestruck) - Less NPC Dates on Venues
    - Can prevent new Date Couples from spawning on all Venues except Park and Beach. (confirmed!)
    - Temple ruins are finally safe from invading!
    - The couple amount on the park is 3. I think it's not quite different than before. Still too many for me.

    down-in-simsland - Less Couples on Community Lots
    - Can reduce the number of couples to only 1 (or 2 in some tests).
    - Can't prevent couples on any lot. They are still spawning, just a lower amount.
    - Temple ruins still have a couple invading instantly when you reach the lot.
    - The mod description said that they might do other stuff on the lot (ordering from the bar, playing games, doing spa activities, sing karaoke, etc.). (In my test, they still cloudgazing but chitchat and flirting too.)

    My opinion
    - I will choose LittleMsSam's mod for the main use.
    - If I want to use the park or beach but want fewer EP16 couples, I may switch to down-in-simsland's one.
    - I still want to see the mod that completely prevents it for some occasion but not necessary right now.

    If you have a different result or have some new information, feel free to share!

  • coloncocon's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot

    I've tested two mods. My result is like this.

    RSM (Lovestruck) - Less NPC Dates on Venues (by LittleMsSam)
    - Can prevent couples from almost every lot except the park and the beach as the modder's attempt
    - The temple ruins are safe from invading finally!
    - In the park, the amount is still unchanged for me, I found 3 (and sometimes 4) couples.

    Less Couples on Community Lots (by down-in-simsland)
    - Can lower the couple amount to 1 (or 2 at most).
    - Don't prevent couples from any lot."
    - The temple ruins still spawn the couple immediately when you arrive. Just only one couple now.

    How about your result? If you have something different, feel free to share.

  • In my save it is the Bjergsons and the Landgrabs spawning everywhere and even following me through the temple as i try and get the artifacts , They are on every lot if i have a bench with 2 seats or a sofa and also they constantly try and talk to my sims i have on a date . The other thing is on some of my lots i have a photo booth and now my dating sims are always leaving chatting to their date to go and have a photo taken with some random townie they don't even know . Finally i played for 2 real hours and when i checked the game had spawned 36 more sims despite there are already approx 400 on the list  . 

    • coloncocon's avatar
      Seasoned Hotshot

      The temple case is the worst situation among the others, it's the bug level that should be fixed as soon as possible. But in normal worlds should not be like that too.

      By the way, are 36 more sims that you said are the newly generated townies, not existing ones? If it is like that, it may be because you don't have enough "adult" couples in your 400 sims. Another old issue is that "young adults are rarely spawn compared to adult ones".

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