Ambitious - Not many of my Sims have actual careers, otherwise I might use it more.
Dance Machine - While I adore the option to Disco Nap which fills their sleep need incredibly fast, I don't use it much because it's annoying how every idle moment is spent dancing. It's weird, there's no music, why are you dancing?
Gloomy - Nope, no sad sacks in my game. Not on my watch.
Hates Children - To quote Hank Hill, "Hated a baby?"
Insider - None of my Sims except residents in my Asylum challenges have ever had a club.
Kleptomaniac - I've used this trait for Sims, but only if their entire story centers around the trait, otherwise, nope. I also get rid of any townies that have it.
Materialistic - Most of my Sims start life with nothing so why would they have this trait? lol
Mean - Nope
Slob - Nope
Lazy - Nope
Squeamish - Same as Kleptomaniac, only if their story centers around it.
Unflirty - I can't even comprehend what that would be like. I'd die without romance/flirting in my life so I won't subject my Sims to it either. :)
Vegetarian - I've given this to my Sims in the past, especially those who are supposed to be all about health, nature lovers, hippies, etc. But only those I micromanage (which is most of them). Otherwise, they end up autonomously eating meat and getting sick. Bleh...
Self-Absorbed - I haven't had GF very long, so haven't given any of my Sims this trait yet. I dislike egotistical people though, so I'm a bit leary of it.
Ambitious - The buff when they get tense seems very random.
Evil - Makes the sim laugh like a maniac, and playing evil sims is not really fun.
Glutton - They eat too much food autonomously.
Insane (erratic) - I don't like that they do evil things autonomously, you can't play as a good, insane person.
Insider (Get Together) - Forces you to go to clubs all the time.
Kleptomaniac - Very annoying if you have it on an unplayed sim and they steal something from you, there is no way to get it back.
Materialistic - Boring trait, buy something to make them happy or they will get tense if they don't buy something.
Mean - It just makes them doing mean things randomly, often completely out of context.
Noncommittal - Becomes tense all the time because they have the same job.
Vegetarian - Why do they become confident if they eat vegetarian food? It makes no sense, it makes vegetarian sims seem like some sort of people that are vegetarians just because they are proud of it.
I use all of them but i don't like how most of them work. I don't avoid any though. My least favorites are bro and clumsy. I think (i may be wrong) that bro doesn't improve the fitness skill faster. What i've notice is that bros like to watch sports on tv and like to be around other bros... i don't know...i don't get it representing sports fans? If so i think the game isn't in line with it, being that you can only watch sports on tv... another trait that i find a misuse of the so few traits we have is clumsy... it does nothing actually... it isn't even funny imo...
I don't avoid any of them. I like to create and play variety of characters, so all traits have their place. That doesn't mean I don't find some traits worse made than others. For example ambitious, cheerful and materialistic add very little to the character. I still use them for those type of sims.
I avoid most of the Traits and never play with Whims on. There's no point in pretending to be able to embrace all of humanity in the game anyway. If there should be doubt if sims will have it too easy, there's lots of things that challenge em, just by walking the park.
With hidden Whims, there's no need for particular Trais to trigger more Whims and Happy is not automatically a boring state of mind.
What I will always avoid are those that put negative mood boosts on my sims, like Jealous f.ex. Jealous NPCs on the other hand can be very interesting.