Forum Discussion

SeaDragonSong's avatar
5 years ago

Um, nothing happened?

So my latest Sim got mad because of "bad phone reception" while on a normal lot. Then I remembered the fire pee change in the latest update and directed him to use the bathroom since, you know, he was angry and I wanted to see what happened. Well, nothing did. The option to angry poop wasn't there, and no fire happened when he used it normally (while still angry)??? Is anyone else experiencing similar things?
  • Kita5399's avatar
    New Spectator
    Not sure about the rest of it as I haven’t played since the patch, but the phone problem is a reported bug.
  • I've had a toilet catch fire very recently. I don't have EL, but I'm all patched up, even so.
  • Yeah, my angry sim still has the angry poop thing. I used it last time I played. I don't have eco living, but I did have that fire toliet bug and a mod to fix it before this last patch.