Forum Discussion

Stina1701A's avatar
Rising Novice
5 years ago

University and rotational players...

Well...I really love that University is coming to town, so to speak but I was wondering how it would/will affect rotational players? For instance, do I have to play out the household until enrolled Sim(s) have graduated or can I household hop and then when I go back into said household(s) my Sim(s) can just pick up where they left off?
  • I’ve been avoiding sending any sims to college because I am a rotational player. And I’m assuming it’ll be like when I come back to a household and everyone is late to work- except it’ll be college and they will fail. I suppose I could send a test sims to see how it works out before I send a sim I actually want to play.
  • "Dianesims;c-17327557" wrote:
    Yes she had just enrolled I think, before I switched to the family.

    "Simmerville;c-17327511" wrote:
    "Dianesims;c-17327350" wrote:
    So FYI, I had several sims unrolled at the same time in both Universities. I played the one in Foxbury until she had only one simester left. Then I played a bit with a family living in Britechester town, and when I came back, my sim in foxbury had graduated and was packing out :(
    Those enrolled in Britechester had finished their first simester, but had not yet enrolled for another, so I could still play with them.
    They were unrolled at the same time as my sim in Foxbury.

    So yes, while you’re away, your sims at uni will be pursuing their simester. I wish it was paused until we came back.

    Did your sim start the final semester before you rotated to the family? Seems like if you leave a student late in a semester, they will complete just that semester while you are gone, and you can then enroll them for the next semester/term when you return to play them.

    Next time try to leave student without enrolling for the next term until you return.

    I got a little optimistic from reading this thread. I rotate a lot, so I thought I must play each student/group through all their terms before rotating away from them. So, I was planning to play through one extra calendar your on campus, whenever needed. Might reach 2 graduations during that time (56 days per year). Then I planned to move graduated sims into a residential house in Britechester pretending they are still students for the rest of the time I want them to be away from their hood. Aging a couple years and all that.

    But now there might be a chance I can play one term at the time, doing one Spring term and one Fall term per calendar rotation. I normally don't play each house for 5-6 simdays, but I'll easily make an exception for students. After a while I guess I'll send less sims to Uni anyway, so there might be a group only every 3rd year or so.

    Might be harder to rotate between terms if my student group counts 2-3 sims, though. No idea if they will all have the same schedule, completing a term on the same day.
  • leena3's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    "babajayne;c-17311427" wrote:
    We do have some guidance on this.
    From the Guru Q&A:

    There is some amount of progression that occurs for Sims already enrolled in university that are rotated away from. Unplayed Sims will finish their term and re-enroll, eventually graduating. Played Sims will finish their term but wait to re-enroll until the player rotates back to them. All Sims progressing in this way will earn an “average” grade while doing so.

    Keep in mind that students can only live in dorms/uni housing while they are enrolled in a term at university. Once they complete the term, an event timer starts (don’t know how long it is) and they have to pack up and move out."

    The event "moving out" takes 3 hours. I had to test that! :smiley:

  • "duhboy2u2;c-17328351" wrote:
    I'm finding it very necessary to switch back and forth between the 'main household' and the college students because other wise my sims are growing old and dying before the college goers get home from school.

    Do you leave aging on all the time? I usually do the aging on for one sim day (Monday) in my rotation. However since I am a bit erratic in my rotations. I should keep a playlist lol, but sometimes I want to stay with a certain family or sim for a little longer.

    Currently I have aging turned off, so I can get all the sims that should be in university into university. Now the question is how do I play them.
    In current save I have moved them into one off campus housing as I couldn't figure out how to get them into one dorm
  • I do leave it on. But I always switch their aspiration to the new DU one because it completes quickly and gives them points enough for a youth potion. I don't like going home to play my other sims only to return and find my college sims aged up.

    When I'm playing my rotational game, I only give my college student a few classes a semester also. Its probably a personal paranoia, but I'm always afraid they'll get too far with too low a grade if I'm not there with them.

    Now I'm wondering if I should just turn aging off in my saves while in University.
  • Kita5399's avatar
    New Spectator
    "Daephene;c-17328553" wrote:
    How long can you play after the end of one term before you have to either re enroll or lose your scholarships? And does that timer keep running if you switch households before you re enroll?

    Personally I had enrolled all my students on the same day, so I never let any time go by after the term ended. As soon as my active student received her grades for the term, I would load each student’s lot and enroll them all again that same day.