"aricarai;c-16661745" wrote:
I know this is an unpopular opinions thread - I've already commented on the other one - but I do have an observation/question.
Why are things (mainly negative) from previous games (mainly TS3) used as a basis for why something is an unpopular opinion? For example, I don't miss open world or CASt because it lagged/crashed/took forever to load/broke my computer/made all my Sims look weird, etc. TS4 is a newest iteration and features, if ever implemented should be - at least in my opinion - be better than the previous one. So if open world ever did make a return - in future iterations - wouldn't we all expect it to be better optimised (less laggy, less crashy, less slowy, more amazing than before)? Or is this very much a case of once bitten, twice shy?
Like I said, just an observation on my part.
I guess I'll throw an unpopular opinion or two in the mix: the graphics are growing on me, but I still would like to see a lean toward more realistic textures and less cartoon type looks/environments.
I really really dislike recolors - no slight to the people who make them, but having all these separate objects recolored to try to match what's already in game is the bane of my life.
Very true. Disliking routing issues and not missing that isn’t unpopular at all, I can’t imagine you’ll find one simmer who likes that part of the predecessor.
I genuinely wonder by the way, if the fact I really really dislike the Sims 4 set up of the world (small neighborhoods, fake backdrops, teleporting - without even
pretending it takes some time to travel downtown or from Germany to Arizona, they get there in two seconds - active sims just hanging there wasting their lives, completely uncontrollable at the other side of a loading screen, tiny neighborhoods with loading screens between each house) is considered unpopular or popular. For the sake of the future of this franchise I hope that dislike is far more popular than disliking even an imperfect open world.