When The Story Time Fights the Game Time
Once again, I have written myself into a bit of a corner, if you will. I sent five teens to university. Without thinking about the passage of time, they completed their first term. And went on to their second term. This is problematic. I've got only 7-day seasons, and I set the Award Shows (in my mind) to the first Sunday of each month. Marking Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter for the awarding of four of music's top awards: Song of the Year, Best New Artist of the Year, Record of the Year; and finally, Album of the Year.
My teenaged Rock Star has won the first three, thus far for the year 2275. Since they have begun their second term, would that be 2276? Technically, it's just now Winter in the same 'year' I began their higher education. What year should I consider it to be in my game? Is it total insanity for the story's sake to suggest they each are on an accelerated track?
What would you do? I really don't feel like removing story updates to fix this problem. Please help!
No, it's not insane at all. They are currently on an accelerated track. This makes MORE sense. Later, you can slow them down if you like.