Forum Discussion

IncredibleMind's avatar
7 years ago

Where are sand beaches!!?

I appreciate the jungle adventure game pack.

BUT I hoped and still hope for the pack that features a sand beach where sims can actually swim!!

Beaches Please..
Go surfing
Swim in ocean water

Is it too much ask???

For god’s sakes...

  • Here in Maine we have the same things like sand castle building, shell hunting - playing on the beach with your dog or even taking your horse for a ride on the beach - but the water itself is always too cold to enjoy going into - and believe me we have snow - it snowed again yesterday and we have more snow coming Friday and Saturday - the end of this week. But our beaches are pretty much just like Florida beaches - it is the temp of the water that makes the difference.

    Being a Florida girl who loved riding waves, and swimming - my first day in Maine I could not wait to run and jump in the water - and believe me it was not a pleasant experience. I had never seen such cold water - never mind the small waves... but apparently fishing and crabbing is good in Maine - lol - which is also not my thing really.

    But what I am getting at is the beach is no relief from all the snow - as it snows on the beach too and makes it even colder than areas of the woods and mountains. Beach areas have constant cold, wet breezes so even walking on the beach to admire the scenery and all Maine famous lighthouses in real life - just isn't all that enjoyable.

    Needless to say the visuals aren't all what they appear. In Maine it may look like a beach - but very seldom does it feel like a beach. LOL.

    When we first came to Maine we lived in Ocean Park, Maine in Old Orchard Beach - On top of it summertime in Ocean Park mean lots of dangerous undertows. I almost lost two of my sons who got caught up in one just playing on the edge of the water - building sandcastles no less. Thanks to four brave life guards - they were able to save them.,+Maine+winter+pictures&client=firefox-b-1&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=bI6gaTcTn81lOM%253A%252C14e-AQcJZ68IIM%252C_&usg=__Tkc0-IbDVUI9wk6wjCnH-TmOk0o%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwio0_XCpcTZAhVHvFMKHVgfDvUQ9QEIKzAA#imgrc=-ORKpsP8vJnMJM:
  • Personally, I was never really interested in beaches. I mean as a Sim, a beach would probably be great for some of them but me, I never found the appeal of beaches, even though I live on a small strip of island on the coast, where the beach is only a 20-minute walk from my house, and now I currently work on the beach, at a restaurant on a pier lol.
  • "Writin_Reg;c-16347986" wrote:
    "paradiseplanet;c-16347908" wrote:
    Personally, I was never really interested in beaches. I mean as a Sim, a beach would probably be great for some of them but me, I never found the appeal of beaches, even though I live on a small strip of island on the coast, where the beach is only a 20-minute walk from my house, and now I currently work on the beach, at a restaurant on a pier lol.

    Artists love them though - so that aspect is good. I painted and sketched some of my best work in the Old Orchard Beach and Bar Harbor beaches of Maine. So in that respect it is fitting in Maine.

    That worked well for Sims 3 painters that could paint what ever they saw. I do not know if Sims 4 artists have that same ability as most of my sims in Sims 4 have the game Careers. LOL.

    In Sims 4 for some reason and I didn't notice it until someone pointed it out on the forum, some of the easels in the game should be portable, especially in their descriptions, yet they can only be stationary. Portable easels would be great to take with them to paint near wherever they like, be it the coast of Brindleton Bay, the forests of Granite Falls, the jungles of Selvadorada, or some new tropical beach destination!
  • "paradiseplanet;c-16348004" wrote:
    "Writin_Reg;c-16347986" wrote:
    "paradiseplanet;c-16347908" wrote:
    Personally, I was never really interested in beaches. I mean as a Sim, a beach would probably be great for some of them but me, I never found the appeal of beaches, even though I live on a small strip of island on the coast, where the beach is only a 20-minute walk from my house, and now I currently work on the beach, at a restaurant on a pier lol.

    Artists love them though - so that aspect is good. I painted and sketched some of my best work in the Old Orchard Beach and Bar Harbor beaches of Maine. So in that respect it is fitting in Maine.

    That worked well for Sims 3 painters that could paint what ever they saw. I do not know if Sims 4 artists have that same ability as most of my sims in Sims 4 have the game Careers. LOL.

    In Sims 4 for some reason and I didn't notice it until someone pointed it out on the forum, some of the easels in the game should be portable, especially in their descriptions, yet they can only be stationary. Portable easels would be great to take with them to paint near wherever they like, be it the coast of Brindleton Bay, the forests of Granite Falls, the jungles of Selvadorada, or some new tropical beach destination!

    Oh I so agree. BB has a few placed in various places I notice. My sim owns the little house on the beach. I do have an easel set up facing the water on the edge of her property - but honestly haven't purposely had her use it. She sometimes uses it on her own though - but so far she just paints the regular pics. No pics like we could do in Sims 3 - at least not on her own. LOL.

    I'll have to see if I can get her to paint what she sees like in Sims 3. LOL.
  • "kalaksed;c-16348043" wrote:
    portable easels would be amazing, yes. and very much needed. esp with the 'paint from reference' sims can do (that's what you were looking for, i think, @Writin_Reg). it basically takes a snapshot and the sim paints that (you can sort of cheat it by taking actual large sized pictures with a camera and putting them on the wall later to 'paint from reference' from, but it's really not the same thing as doing it out in the field)

    Oh good - thank you - that is good to know. I am glad Sims 4 has that as well. I liked that touch in Sims 3, so I am glad to know Sims 4 has it as well.

    I really need to make a sim artist - lol.
  • I would love to see those too! Don't know though; might not fit into their agenda for their game that we play. I would love to have vacation homes at the beach to visit with your employees/family/friends....course that's probably too materialistic to be in the game. Hope I am wrong.