Forum Discussion

Fanphoria's avatar
New Spectator
5 years ago

Who deserves to be Lilith???

So, now there are two Liliths in the game, huh? Lilith Pleasant and Lilith Vatore. Now, I now in the Real World, it's hardly unusual for two people to have the same first name, but SimWorld is much smaller than that, and, well, it just kinda bugs me? I feels lazy, and I've been looking through and I don't think there's any other first name duplicates among the premades--tho some are close, they're not exactly the same, and "Lilith" isn't exactly a typical name anyway so it stands out even more. So, I've started changing one of their names in some of my saves--I've changed Lilith Vatore to Lydia in one save, and Lilith Pleasant to Persephone in another--but I feel like maybe I should make a call one way or the other, just for consistency and to simplify things for my brain.

So, what do y'all think? Who should remain Lilith, and who's name should I change?

edit: I feel like I should clarify that I've never significantly played any previous Sims game, and neither know nor care about any premades or versions of premades from any of those games. So, maybe please base your answers purely on Sims 4, if possible.

Also, the route my games take changes wildly depending on the save so there's no particular premade or set of premades I play with more or less than any other ones, and in fact in one of my main saves right now my sim is a vampire who was turned by Caleb and therefor hangs out with the Vatores a bunch AND has become very close friends with Lilith Pleasant, so there's no clear answer in terms of one I'll see or use more or anything. Believe me, were that the case, I would've had a much easier decision to make and likely just made it already lol.

And finally, I've already stated this above, but since several people seem to have not really read the content of what I wrote, the sims world is much smaller than the real world that is why I want to change it yes I am aware it is normal for two people to have the same name in real life the sims is not real life.

Thank you

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