Custom content items removed?
Haven't played the sims 4 in a while, as in 3 months. The last time I played it ran smoothly-- no technical issues. This origin account has been the only one in use on this computer, and sometimes my brother uses it too, just to play the sims. My brother wanted to play Appex Legends with his friends (and me not knowing anything about the game, I was wondering why he was even going up to me and talking about it) but then he asked what my origin password was, because it would be convenient for him to just log in my account and play from there since It's the only one we use. I was too lazy to get up and type in the password for him so I suggested he make his own origin account to play Appex legends on. He just shrugged at me and told me he hadn't thought about that and he was on his way. Turns out he's been playing Appex for a while on his new origin account on the same computer I play the sims on. I started to get into the mood to play the sims and I started it up (after a few update downloads ofc.) I love custom content, and I have about 130 clayified hairs on file in my mods folder, so I'm used to playing with them all the time. I have less than 20 other cosmetic items in my mods folder besides hair, so it comes down to about 142 items in total. Never had any problems whatsoever with the custom content I've downloaded before, so I wasn't expecting to get onto my sims for them to be bald (game still runs perfectly fine, just missing all of the custom content) and an error popping up telling me "ITEMS REMOVED: One or more Create a Sim items have been removed. The items may not be installed on your computer or the EA account that is currently logged in does not own these items" I was confused so I decided to take a peek into my mods folder, and all of my items had this icon that showed 2 blue arrows pointing at each other, I had never seen this icon on this computer before so I decided to google it and see what it meant. So apparently the items in my sims folders had all been compressed to save space on my computer, and I was like, "Oh this must be the problem" so I looked it up and turned off the compression settings so the items wouldn't be affected anymore... and the custom content is still gone when I turn on the game. It couldn't be that my packages weren't installed, because there's physical proof that they're there and in the correct folder, and me nor my brother deleted them. Could this be some type of error because my brother decided to use his origin account on this computer? Was this computer so used to having me logged into origin that it confused the origin pathways between me and my brothers account? Im thinking that since this never happened before and it had something to do with my brother making an origin account and logging into this computer. Please help, I don't know why my custom content isn't showing up in the game and it's telling me that it doesn't exist on my origin account.
Afternoon @Dalilahdd ,
Whenever the game installs a new patch, Sims 4 automatically disables the Mods/Scripts folder to give you an opportunity to change out any mods that might conflict with the new patch.
Go to the following location in Sims 4:
From the Main Menu:
- Select the Options menu (The '...' symbol) in the upper-right.
- Select Game Options.
- Select Other.
- Make sure Enable Custom Content and Mods is checked.
- Make sure Script Mods Allowed is checked.
- Select Apply Changes.
(If either of the previous options were disabled for whatever reason, you will need to close/open the game again. After you do so, see if you still get the error; it should now instead list for you the Mods that have been placed in the Mods folder.)
If that doesn't work, make sure that all your Mods are not in too deep of a subfolder within the Mods folder. You can usually get away with one or two subfolders, but getting too far might have the game miss where your Mods are located.
(Note: As good practice, whenever Sims 4 releases a new patch, or you get an update for the game via Origin, you'll likely get the "Mods Disabled" message when you start the game thereafter; just follow the steps I provided above, and your mods should be back in working order.)
(If you need more info, let me know.)
- B