7 years ago
Help to find lost CC after pc crash
Hello, my pc crashed and i cant get to my safe copy of the game for the moment, so a tried to find my cc that i cant game without. but im stuck.
im serching for:
Jeans for male, the ones had a full lenght and a ankle one. they were in lot of demins, black, red, yellow etc
eyelashes, pretty ones, mascara one
black skinny jeans, femle. think it was a kylie jenner one. it was skinny black jeans, and they could be ripped. think i saw them with a red skinny "dress"
im serching for:
Jeans for male, the ones had a full lenght and a ankle one. they were in lot of demins, black, red, yellow etc
eyelashes, pretty ones, mascara one
black skinny jeans, femle. think it was a kylie jenner one. it was skinny black jeans, and they could be ripped. think i saw them with a red skinny "dress"