Forum Discussion
Getting Support
Still stuck? We’re here for support!
Support in this forum assumes that you are fully patched to the latest Sims 4 update. Also, before asking for mod/CC support, check the pinned Broken/Updated Mods thread to update your Mods folder and the Master Post for common issues.
When you post a new topic or add to one you found in the Master Post or in search, please be descriptive: To help you, we need to know what symptoms you have in your game, and we need to know what steps you’ve taken to try to isolate the problem.
Some kinds of issues are best taken straight to creators’ own support: for example, questions about or issues with particular features of a mod and questions about mod conflicts. Creators also appreciate being told (politely, please!) if you’ve done a thorough test that has found a mod problem. Some Sims Discord communities also offer general support. Note: Please check if you’ve got the right creator before asking them for support! And please don’t ask them if their mods/CC are broken or confirmed working for a new game update.
Adding Pictures and Requested Files
When it comes to CC and UI issues especially, sometimes a picture of your symptom helps a lot. Here’s how to add a picture to a post. Please remember that no adult content is permitted at AHQ. If we ask you to upload a screenshot of a folder and it includes an adult mod, we may delete the screenshot after checking the info.
Sometimes to help with narrowing down an issue, we’ll ask you to upload a file. For Mod/CC Issues, this is usually a last exception file. But sometimes it’s a list of all your mods and CC. (Yes, all!)
Getting a List of Your Mods
Sometimes a helper will ask you for a list of your mods and CC as part of troubleshooting. To get that, follow these instructions (instructions courtesy of the Deaderpool Discord server):
- Go to Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods
- Click on any empty spot in the address bar at the top
- Type cmd and press Enter; the command terminal will open
- Type the command here and press Enter:
dir /s > mods.text - You should now see a text (.txt) file in your Mods folder called mods. Upload this file.
- Locate the terminal. You can find it by going to Applications > Utilities, or using Spotlight by pressing Command + Space, typing terminal and clicking the app result.
- Enter the following command, which will take you to the /Mods folder:
cd ~/Documents/Electronic\ Arts/The\ Sims\ 4/Mods - Enter the command exactly as shown and press Enter:
ls -lr ./* > ./mods.txt - There should now be a file called mods.txt in your /Mods folder. Upload it.
Having issues even after going through the thread? Please feel free to post in this forum.
About The Sims 4 Mods & Custom Content
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