3 years ago
Mod request - making stop motion quicker to create
I've downloaded the mod that allows camera mode in build mode (BuildCam by TwistedMexi), only to discover that I can't press ctrl+z in that mode to reverse deleting an item, and it turned out you're supposed to quit the camera mode every time, undo the deleting and then go back into camera mode and your saved position. Anyone who's making stop motions knows what I'm talking about, but is it just me that thinks it's madness?
Is it really impossible to create a mod that would allow you to undo deleting an item while already in the camera mode in build mode? I'd actually pay for a mod like that. It'd save so much time.
Is it really impossible to create a mod that would allow you to undo deleting an item while already in the camera mode in build mode? I'd actually pay for a mod like that. It'd save so much time.