8 years ago
Sims 4 with more personality | Mod
For people who don't mind using cc or mods, there is a new personality mod on modthesims right now. It changes interactions and it's supposed to make your sims more dynamic and actually feel like their traits matter.
You know when you have a mean sim and suddenly they start chatting like nothing happened even though you want them to argue. Well, with this mod you can download here you'll have the option to actually control them a bit more, plus they realise it themselves aswell.
I'm hoping the Guru's will pick up on this too, as a modder can do it, I don't see why this can't be patched in the future so emotions and interactions make more sense. There's nothing wrong with chatting, but when my sims just had a fight and slapped eachother, I don't want them to see them chatting five seconds later, it just doesn't make any sense sadly.
The modder added this and I wanted to add it in aswell for you guys that want to know what it does.
If you have ever noticed, when ever your sims are done with the interaction with another that you just directed them to do, they will almost always immediately start chatting. That ment even if they were angry or they just got in a fight with another sim they would start chatting. That seemed extremely strange to me and made story telling a lot harder to do. In this mod I disabled that. The sims will no longer just chat for no reason. So many of these interactions were not autonomous which seemed odd. It was like the creators wanted them sims to always be happy and have good relationships with others with no drama. This mod will help change that. Some of the things I have seen so far are sims discussing their interests and having deep conversations along with getting romantic with others all on their own. They do more than just kiss cheek now! I've seen them go up to their special someone and embrace them and do special kisses. My sims now hold conversations that mean something unlike before, I had no idea what "chatting" was even about. This mod has brought more to my game and I hope it does for your game as well!
You know when you have a mean sim and suddenly they start chatting like nothing happened even though you want them to argue. Well, with this mod you can download here you'll have the option to actually control them a bit more, plus they realise it themselves aswell.
I'm hoping the Guru's will pick up on this too, as a modder can do it, I don't see why this can't be patched in the future so emotions and interactions make more sense. There's nothing wrong with chatting, but when my sims just had a fight and slapped eachother, I don't want them to see them chatting five seconds later, it just doesn't make any sense sadly.
The modder added this and I wanted to add it in aswell for you guys that want to know what it does.
If you have ever noticed, when ever your sims are done with the interaction with another that you just directed them to do, they will almost always immediately start chatting. That ment even if they were angry or they just got in a fight with another sim they would start chatting. That seemed extremely strange to me and made story telling a lot harder to do. In this mod I disabled that. The sims will no longer just chat for no reason. So many of these interactions were not autonomous which seemed odd. It was like the creators wanted them sims to always be happy and have good relationships with others with no drama. This mod will help change that. Some of the things I have seen so far are sims discussing their interests and having deep conversations along with getting romantic with others all on their own. They do more than just kiss cheek now! I've seen them go up to their special someone and embrace them and do special kisses. My sims now hold conversations that mean something unlike before, I had no idea what "chatting" was even about. This mod has brought more to my game and I hope it does for your game as well!