Forum Discussion

meeshwood's avatar
Seasoned Ace
2 years ago

Talk to me about CC

I've never played with CC or mods but I've been thinking about downloading some stuff from Harrie and Felix. I feel like they are pretty reputable but then again the idea of adding CC to my game is a bit intimidating. My game works pretty well, no real lag issues, most of my gameplay functions without issues. I'm afraid that if I download CC I'm going to start having more issues. I also have no idea how to even start with downloading CC.

4 Replies

  • Most of the time CC is fine. There could be some graphical glitches on rare occasions, such as the long spider arms or multi-colored rainbow textures with question marks on it if there's something wrong with the texture, but for the most part they don't break often.

    Build/Buy CC sometimes breaks if EA changes something, like when they added C&D, seating and counters broke because the coding was changed to allow them on furniture and cats on the countertops. And doors/windows broke with another update (can't remember when).

    Usually CC creators will fix the CC and you'd just need to re-download it and add it back into your Mods folder or you could do a "batch fix" yourself in Sims4Studio once they put out a batch fix, which is literally nothing more than pointing the program to the correct folder where your CC is and pressing a button.

    Adding CC is simple, in your My Documents > The Sims 4 is a folder called Mods, you just place your CC into that folder. Make sure it's not a zipped/compressed file though otherwise it won't show up. You also need to make sure that in the Game Settings you have Mods enabled, or it won't show up. The same goes for Script Mods, which is another setting.

    Adding Mods you do the same thing, if it's a script mod (and you'll be able to tell because once it's unzipped you can open the folder and if it's a script mod, it will also have a script file), those can ONLY be one folder deep. Meaning you put the folder for the script mod directly into the TS4 Mods folder and don't create any sub-folders for it.

    I rename my folders so I know what it is because I'm OCD and need things organized.

    This is what a Script Mod Folder looks like inside

    This is an example of my Peacemaker Folder (notice they only say Package and there's no script in it)

    CC can be organized how you want into sub folders to help you stay organized.

    Some things to keep in mind.

    • If you D/L CAS CC (hair, shoes, make-up, clothing, etc) random sims in the world could spawn wearing it, depending on if the CC Creator allowed it be worn by random sims.
    • If you have CC in a lot or on a sim and you save the game, then decide to not play with CC any more and you load that saved game up, any lot that had CC will have all of the CC Items deleted and replaced with game items.
    • Saved sims with CC, will more than likely be bald and nakkie if they were saved wearing CC.
    • If you re-save with the items missing, they will always be missing so it's best to do a save as, instead.

    What I do is save my lot/house without CC and decorate it with just game stuff, same with Sims and save it as "Vanilla", then I'll go back and add CC to the lots/sims and save again naming it something like "With CC".

    That way I always have the original version available.

  • Thank you @Chicklet453681 for taking the time to type all that out. You really helped me, I appreciate it.

    Thank you @Zerelth for the info as well.
  • BearyBry's avatar
    Seasoned Adventurer
    2 years ago
    I only started with mods and cc in the last month or so and it definitely adds all new options to gameplay and builds I've found, though it does make looking for items in the catalogue that much harder as you're scrolling for even longer trying to find somthing that caught your eye just moments ago, lol.
  • I have tons of CC, and although my Mods folder might cause some lag, I very rarely have any trouble with the cc itself. I mostly have BB and CAS stuff, not so much Mods. Whenever there is a patch causing mods trouble to many smmers, I have only one file I need to replace (and that creator is on the ball immediately, so I don't need to wait playing my game).

    My biggest warning re loads of cc is that the game's catalog system gets harder to navigate. The search tool gets useless because you will see only the first few matches, and often not he one you are looking for. I waste so much of my simming time scrolling the BB catalog, quite often I find what I looked for in a section I already scrolled twice. I have plenty of items that I probably never used in my game, or added in one room and then forgot at I never played that household again.

    My tip would be to add only CC that radically offer some action or style that you do not have already. Adding 10 versions of "pile of paper" for variety (I probably have 20...) has no real effect as your game would be just as fine if using just one or two of them. Depending on your style, avoid CC that is not Maxis match. The exceptions might be those offering unique gameplay/features, but in my game I use the "wrong looking items" very rarely, so I could just as well get rid of them.

    Some technical consideration. Learn to adjust cc settings in SimsStudio. CC often come with not so good categories, or CAS items might be tagged for random use by NPC. I also remove anything related to situational outfits. Be aware that the cc filename can cause lag if it contains special characters. You would definitely want to change " supercute dress&scarf (version 2)" to "Creator_supercute-dress-scarf-version-2". _ and - are fine while most other special stuff is harder to read by the game. Having one cc with such a bad file name is not a problem, but I noticed lag when there were 20. And you will quickly get there if you dl many files from a creator who is not aware of this.

    From time to time you will need to look up a file in the Mods folder. If you have more than say 50 files, it's smart to create sub categories like CAS, BUILD, BUY, MOS etc. You can have sub categories too, but I guess fewer levels makes a happier game :)

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