Forum Discussion

ashleyrosey05's avatar
New Scout
2 years ago

The Joy of CC: Who Knew a Couch Could Ruin EVERYTHING!

tl;dr. A 7 year old couch broke my entire game, lol

STORY TIME.... If you enjoy reading people's CC/Mod-induced pain, this is the post for you lol. (And If you're having any of the below issues... I may know what CC is causing it!)

So I have had a mess of glitches in my game for YEARS that I just gave up on solving, because I've basically resorted to the TS4 motto: "If it's not COMPLETELY broken, don't try to fix it." It's a fine motto, minus the fact that one of my most long-standing glitches involves the "Bills Information" which had never worked once since that feature even existed. Alongside that, my freelance writing career also stopped working maybe 3 years ago. In fact, no sim could even write a book, period. It's fine, who wants to pay bills or write a motivational book about fixing your life?

I chose to ignore the glitches since they didn't have a HUGE impact on gameplay.... until December when suddenly any lot type with a bar in it became completely unplayable. All of the sims on the lot would debug and spawn somewhere else anytime someone tried ordering a drink. I do have you-know-who's "real drinks" mod installed so I figured that was causing this problem (not sure if the mod is allowed to be mentioned on here so I left the name out for now. iykyk, lol), but even after updating that, no fix.

So I did what any simmer would do... freaking rage quit and not touch the game again for a month. But I got back on tonight after getting those sims withdrawals, and now... NOW my restaurants stopped being functional too, like I legit couldn't interact with anything dining related. All I wanted to do was go to dinner and accidentally forget to pay, but NOW I CAN'T EVEN DO THAT?! Okay, now I can't avoid's completely broken. I reaaaaally didn't want to sift though a 14GB mods folder, so I decide to finally download TwistedMexi's Better Exceptions mod to see if that would detect any conflicting/broken mods... of course it did. I go ahead and remove a bunch of them on the list, hopped back in the game, but everything is still broken :/ So I ran the scan again, but this time one file in particular flagged a whole slew of warnings that basically politely indicated that it needs to get the hell out of my mods folder: A freaking couch?

"Pfff what?".... First off, I've had this Novvvas Sofa in my game since 2017. I've also put it in at least half of my builds! In fact, it's my favorite couch! But still, I reluctantly take it out of the folder and launch the game juuuust to see what would happen, because what more could go wrong at this point? Hah, It's not the couch......

Yeahhhhhhh, IT WAS THE EFFING COUCH!!!!!!!! First indication: This mysterious "Bills Information" thing immediately pops up in my notifications for the first time EVER. *queue my jaw dropping to the floor* THEN My sim ACTUALLY goes to sit down and order food at the restaurant I left him in before I started this mass-deletion mess. Upon following him downstairs, NPCs were also at the bar successfully ordering all the drinks their hearts desired after their inadvertent Dry-December... good thing that lot has a bouncer lol. Well, there's 3 big fixes, but I still had one thing left to check. So I pop over to my writer sim's lot and tell him to write a book aptly titled, "PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF SIMULATION-GOD (aka me), WORK!!".... and what do you know, the dang kid wrote and finished the book. I can smell the publishing royalties now!!!

Well that's it folks. If you made it this far, I'm sorry lol. Moral of the story: download one of those conflicted mod scanners because it might just help. Also... beware of couches.

2 Replies

  • I don't think the couch was causing all the problems, but it is a reminder that you need to keep on top of these glitches or they will build up and make the game unplayable. I'm surprised the coych was usable at all though, because IIRC there was a big gameplay update in 2018 that broke all CC couches and beds.

    Ed Mind you, I never checked how it broke them, just updated the ones that had been updated and deleted the others.
  • There's a chance that that old couch just needed to be batch-fixed in Sims 4 Studio.

    With that much CC, there's a good chance you also have duplicates and other old content that could pose a problem someday. You might want to consider reorganizing (as a way to find duplicates) and looking for other old, possibly updatable files. Anything Sims actually interact with might have had new interactions added and you're either overriding those or will eventually run into issues. Often a Sims 4 Studio batch fix is available for those.

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