OK so, I tested out kawaiistacie's resort/hotel mod found here:
And at the request of @AquaGamer1212 I'm writing a review of it.
You can do 2 things with this mod; visit a hotel as a guest and run a hotel. Please note I've only tested the guest option.
A few things to note:
1 - In order for this mod to work you also need zerbu's venue changes mod, found here:
With the venue changes mod you can select any venue type for your hotel, including the normally restricted ones such as chalet gardens and island bluffs (this is important, see point 2).
2 - As kawaiistacie notes, the hotel will NOT function if you set the lot as a generic lot. It seems that all other lot types work, but island bluffs seems to make things run more smoothly (hence the need for zerbu's mod).
3 - Also needed for the hotel to function is the resort/hotel lot trait, which you get with this mod. Find it as normal under lot traits.
4 - I encountered problems putting my hotel in Granite Falls, as it's a destination world. When my sims tried to no a normal travel there they couldn't, as to visit a destination world requires booking a holiday via a phone or computer. When I tried to book a holiday there, I couldn't book the hotel as only rental lots were bookable. So, as far as I'm aware a hotel only works in a residential world.
5 - there are certain objects that need to be present on the lot for it to function correctly, my understanding of this is that you need the following:
- 2 showers/baths
- a sink
- a toilet
- a bed
- a fridge
- a kitchen counter
- a stove
- 2 computer desks, each with a computer on them and each with a chair connected to them to form the reception area.
6 - hotel specific interactions with hotel staff don't seem to be working, as they would cancel themselves immediately. These interactions are found under 'more choices' - 'resort menu' when clicking on the staff member.
OK, here's my hotel:
When you first arrive it won't work like a hotel immediately; it's functionality as a hotel is determined by the lot trait, and they take a while to take effect, you'll know when it happens as I was charged 50 simoleans per sim I was bringing (also according to kawaiistacie it's supposed to be 100 simoleans). You'll also be charged 50 simoleans per day you're there, at 11am.
My sims arrived at 08:32 and were charged for accommodation at 10:23, so the lot trait takes about 2 hours to take effect. Until then they just watched some TV:
Once the lot trait takes effect hotel staff and other guests start to arrive. Here's the receptionist:
A guest and a staff member arriving:
Now to the good points/the thing I like.
Other guests will interact with your sims:
Also quite a few members of staff will turn up, and they're pretty efficient, as any cleaning or mending things is done very quickly, and there's always freshly made food available. Everyone in this picture is a staff member.
Although you can't request a specific room, you can effectively claim on by having your sims click on their beds and selecting 'claim'. Other quests appear to do this too; here's my sim's room:
and here's another guest in his room across the hall:
Now the bad points:
Most of the time the staff seem to stand around doing nothing. These two staff members spawned outside and stayed there for over 4 hours.
It's also worth noting that will the game usually fills NPC roles with unemployed sims, this mod seems to use any sim, as a lot of my actively played, employed sims turned up as staff.
While NPC chefs, receptionists and cleaners turned up, others didn't. I placed massage tables and a bar on the lot and no NPC massage therapists or mixologists turned up.
According to kawaiistacie a mixologist is supposed to turn up if you have a bar on the lot. You can also hire these people though my clicking on the objects.
The chef staff are very enthusiastic about making sure enough food is available. Too enthusiastic it wood seem as you can see here:
All the counters in the kitchen have food on them, so the chef has resorted to putting food on the coffee table in the hallway (not good) along with the ingredients for yet another meal (also not good). Also they don't bring the food to you as they would in a restaurant; my sim had to go into the kitchen it get it himself, which doesn't feel very hotel-ish. I also couldn't click and drag a plate of food to the table (not good).
The staff appear to suffer severe need depletion while at work. Meny of them ended up doing the awkward shuffle to a bathroom, and here's two receptionists asleep from exhaustion in the hottub:
Finally, be aware that literally anybody could show up at a hotel. Father Winter randomly appeared (it's spring in my game). While funny, I'm not sure it would look right in somewhere like Sulani.
Overall I think I'd give this mod a 5 out of 10. It does function like a hotel and it does the job, but things could be better and were EA to introduce hotels as an official lot type *hint hint* I think their functionality would surpass this mod.
I think that's everything. Thanks for reading, here's a random picture of Dylan Anderson singing karaoke wearing a towel: