Forum Discussion

DrewLala89's avatar
Rising Newcomer
19 days ago

Why does the new EA app hate me so?!

I hadn't played since July 6, so when I opened the app yesterday, I wasn't able to play until I installed the latest update. Once that was complete, I played the game for maybe an hour, then saved and exited. The next day, I opened the app and it said much of my custom content was missing. Upon closer inspection, I realized that my most recent save file/household had been wiped from the game, as well!

All of this is in addition to having to deal with a little window stating that the EA App is "being verified" appearing on my Mac screen for no apparent reason.

Whatever happened to just, like, clicking on an icon to open a game? I'd rather play using a physical copy in my external optical drive than deal with all this rigmarole.