Forum Discussion

solldis's avatar
6 months ago

sims 4 on Mac

hi I downloaded the Sims 4 base game on my Mac but can't download my add ons. On my steam account it says they can only be downloaded on windows. I need your help.

  • Were all of these add-ons bought through Steam? If so, you have to rebuy them through the EA App on Mac. I went through this myself earlier this year when I switched from Steam to Mac. 

    To clarify, anything I had bought on Origin before using Steam did transfer to Mac when I made the switch away from Windows.

3 Replies

  • manzana0807's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler
    6 months ago

    Were all of these add-ons bought through Steam? If so, you have to rebuy them through the EA App on Mac. I went through this myself earlier this year when I switched from Steam to Mac. 

    To clarify, anything I had bought on Origin before using Steam did transfer to Mac when I made the switch away from Windows.

  • Many steam games aren't compatible on Mac, TS4 included. As manzana0807 said, you would need to get them on the EA App again unfortunately 

  • I have the same issue as the original poster but I'm not quite understanding the fix. Do I have repurches the packd on the EA app and spend my money again? What about the previous money I have spent on Steam? Can that get refunded? Sorry I'm just really confused what you mean.