Cannot change to Windowed Fullscreen Mode
I've been running Sims 4 on Dx11 for several weeks now with no issues. I updated my game, my mods, and my graphics card on Wednesday. When I loaded into the game, it had reverted my settings from Windowed Fullscreen back to Fullscreen. I tried to change it back and it just freezes. I waited well over 20 minutes, and it finally just crashed. I tried again and had to use task manager to force it closed. It doesn't generate a latestcrash file at all.
I removed all mods and tried again - still freezes and have to force close
I repaired the game - still freezes
I reverted back to Dx9 then tried to change to Windowed Fullscreen - still freezes
I changed the fullscreen to 1 and windowedfullscreen to 1 in the Options.ini - game was still in Fullscreen and when I tried to change it... still freezes
I deleted the localthumbcache, options.ini, and the Game Versions files and restarted the game - still freezes.
I revered back to Dx11 and tried changing the options.ini - still freezes
Deleted the same files - still freezes
I'm at my wits end, and so far the above solutions are the only ones I've found online, but none of them are working. Does anyone know of anything else I need to do? Any help is appreciated!!