2 years ago
Game Won't Launch
Everytime i try to launch my sims 4 game it takes me to the EA loading screen but never actually launches the game. Ive tried everything i could think of but nothing works.
I came across this post because of this problem and moving the folder helped. But now what? Do I have to keep playing like this?
@IndigoAnjel No, you don't have to keep playing like this, but you do need to test the content from your old folder that you want to keep. Start with mods and custom content, if you have any, and you can use the 50/50 method if you have a lot of files to sort through:
Once you've done that, you can transfer the contents of saves and Tray (saved households and builds), UserSettings.ini if you care about event rewards, plus Screenshots and Recorded Videos if you care about those. The game will regenerate the rest as necessary.
Thank you. I’ll try that today.
I can't find a MODS folder, and have seemingly tried everything else!
@1Lorna You'll need to launch the game once in order to create the folder. If that's not the issue, here's where to look for the folder: