Forum Discussion

e9678a34b56c35c7's avatar
4 hours ago

Let's try this again (Attempt #3!)

This is the third time I've typed this out, and tried to post it. We'll see if it works THIS time!

I have had a problem since the Sept. 18, 2024 update. The update worked just fine. I saved my game, went to bed, and when I opened it up the next night to play, the Spice Festival and the Flea Market  (both of which my Sim had attended, and both were just fine when she attended them) were smashed together (along with the other 'regular' kiosks that appear in that park.) I tried playing until both events came back up, my Sim attended until closing of both, to no avail. So far, none of the other festivals are affected. Also, on Saturday, snow appeared in Skye Fitness, and one Sim made a Snow Angel that everyone has to try to walk around. Today (Wednesday, Sept 24) my Sim suddenly can't resume painting or 'grab a plate' if she cooks a family meal. Seems like everyday there's another glitch.

I am totally not computer savvy, and while I did take a look at my saved games, there is no way to tell what is what. I wouldn't even know how to pull up a 'saved game'!

To me, this is a problem (or rather, these are problems) that are a result of the update. 

Any advice on what to do? I had just purchased For Rent as well, now I'm regretting every purchase I've made since I started playing this game about a year ago.


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