Lot showing 'Original By' when saving to Library
Which Platform: PC
Any mods: Yes T.O.O.L./Better Build Buy (no other CC)
Current version: 1.112.519.1020 DX11
I downloaded a lot with debug cars because I can't seem to find base game vehicles despite doing bb.showhiddenobjects and bb.showLiveEditObjects. I deleted everything but the one car I wanted for the driveway, and then proceeded to build and decorate a large home. Now when I save the lot to my library, it implies I modified this user's lot when it was literally just a lot full of cars. I thought removing said car, bulldozing, renaming the lot, exiting the world, reentering the world, replacing the lot, and resaving the lot AGAIN might fix things, but it did not. I made a new save (it was a save meant for building only and not gameplay) and tried the above method again to no avail.
How do I fix this? I DID find a fix from 10 years ago of the same bug and it suggested saving every room separately and rebuilding it that way. That is a rather ridiculous and tedious fix and doesn't take landscape changes into account.
Is there some other method to fix this that doesn't require saving a house in parts and rebuilding it?