prt sc/outside screenshot not working after patch
c hotkey screenshots in game work fine but using prt sc/windows key shift s pulls me out of the game and doesn't bring up the usual screenshot window unless i press it again, and at that point i'm outside of the game so i can't take a picture of what i want. so i can take in game full screen screenshots that go in my screenshots folder, but i can't take pc cut screenshots, which is really unfortunate because i like to screenshot portions of the screen you can't screenshot during, such as the household in manage worlds/households. this worked just fine before the most recent feb 25 2025 burglar update (went offline for a while to avoid bugs and issues but i finally caved smh) and i don't think it's a fault on my pc's end because screenshotting still works using prt sc outside of the game, the only problem is that the command is kicking me out of the game. any ideas?
also unrelated to this post, did they fix/are there any solutions for the maxed-out mortician career from life & death not being able to take pto? i've tried literally everything to force a vacation with no luck. cheats and mods and all. my sim is dying to take a break lol, ui cheats works but i'd prefer a permanent solution.
kadasco For the screenshots issue, does it help to play in "windowed fullscreen" (i.e. Borderless) mode, or standard windowed mode? Does it help to switch to DirectX 9 mode? What about clicking shift-S first, so that the Windows key is the last one you press? It shouldn't make a difference, but perhaps it does in this case, particularly in the still-not-perfected DirectX 11 mode.
For the issue with taking time off, please use this master bug thread:
Vacation time - No option to take time off | EA Forums - 5018745