Forum Discussion

Momma-One's avatar
Rising Newcomer
5 days ago

Purchasing discounted pack for steam

I got an email from EA stating discounts. So I go in and find the pack i've been wanting to get at 50% for ages! (plus a halloween bundle) YAY! or so i thought.

I click on purchase. in the drop down i choose steam cuz that's what i play sims 4 on. Have done this many times. BUT, the discount for the pack is not there.  The bundle was finally updated to show the same discount on steam, so that's fine now.  But the pack is still showing full price even when i go thru EA to purchase (and choosing steam). What can I do? Can I do anything? What if i purchase thru "EA app in windows"? Will that work? Will anything work? I really want this pack but can't afford the full price. Help??

Steam usually has the same discounts as EA so it's not been an issue in the past. But it's not discounting this time. I'm sad....


  • Jebbica78  This is not a bait and switch.  EA is currently selling DLC at a discount; Steam is not having a sale at the moment.  These are two separate storefronts and are not required to offer the same sales at the same time, even for the same product.  It's somewhat common to see a given game on sale on all platforms where it can be purchased, but that's not universal.

    • Momma-One's avatar
      Rising Newcomer

      yea i  don't like that. this is the FIRST time i've ever noticed this. of course i never looked at ones i didn't want, so that could be it too. It just stinks cuz EA sent me a great discount for smething i want, but i can't get it. guess i just have to wait. :-( 


  • Momma-One  If you want to keep everything in your Steam library, you'll need to wait for a Steam sale.  It's not possible to buy content specifically for Steam through EA.

    However, you can buy the packs through EA and download them into your Steam install.  Your content will be split between the two game libraries, but the packs themselves will work as if you'd bought them directly through Steam.  You'd simply download them using the EA App (but NOT download a second copy of the base game), and the App would install them into your Steam version of Sims 4.

    The only alternative here is to wait for a Steam sale.  One should show up around Black Friday if not sooner.

  • You Are Not Alone!

    I tried everything to get the discount to show up going through both the EA website and Steam and it didnt work. 
    Finally I went to EA Help Services ( and filed a claim under "dispute a charge" (since everything else just lead me to an article or a bot!) and got someone on the chat but all that happened was that it was sent to "Feedback" with no current resolution.

     I will agree that the Black Friday sales are usually up to 60% on older expansion packs and up to 30% on Stuff Packs and Game Packs but it's really inconsiderate for a company to be so careless to their consumer on such a beloved products by what looks like a bait and switch

  • fumisannyas's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    I think it's not worth buying at all. I've been reading the forums and I think we all have the same problems and there is no response from EA. I guess it doesn't matter what the players are going through since the package is being sold anyway.  The game is full of annoying bugs!