Forum Discussion
JyNxYmIsTy You can rename the Mods folder instead of moving it. The game won't read it unless it's called "Mods" with no other characters in the name.
Your C drive is critically low on space, which would need to be addressed even absent any Sims 4 issues. Please try to clear at least another 20 GB, for a total of 25 free, before doing anything else.
The Sims 4 crashes in your dxdiag are too generic to be helpful by themselves, but one of the many causes is bad mods or cc, so it's still best to try playing without your Mods folder. Aside from that, Razer's Game Manager Service is crashing, so please remove it for now. Reinstalling it may fix the issue, but please don't do that until Sims 4 is running properly again.
Thank you for your help! I My C drive is def low on space, I have a drive that I use sims 4 on (which has my mods/game files on it and a lott of space) I will try renaming the mods folder! :o after im done do I just name it back to "Mods" and nothing will be done to my game?
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