sims 4 crashing
- 4 months ago
@Sprattic It may not be the main issue, but Razer Chroma is crashing, and one of the Sims 4 crashes in your dxdiag is the kind that Razer software can trigger. So please uninstall your Razer apps for now. You may be able to reinstall them later, but please hold off until the game is stable again.
Most of the crashes, however, look like those related to having XMP and/or CPU Turbo Boost enabled on high-end processors and performance motherboards. This has been fixed on some systems with a BIOS update, and Dell offers an update for what I believe is your model:
Rather than just downloading the newest BIOS version listed, please click This Device and enter your service tag to make absolutely sure you're looking at the right downloads. Your current BIOS version is 1.13, so install anything higher than that (e.g. 1.17 on the download page above, if it's the correct page).
If this doesn't help, try disabling CPU Turbo Boost, if you can. It would be hidden away in Advanced settings and might have a slightly different name, and I'm not completely sure your BIOS would even have this setting, as some OEM boards don't. But have a look anyway and disable the setting if you can find it.