Forum Discussion
That's what I figured. I probably wasn't going to play them again anyway.
Thank you!
It seems I can't cut a break. it's so frustrating. I just downloaded spa day last night and now some of my CCs are gone (they were there last night). I found some in another folder.
MC command center also disappeared. Luckily with the other folders I have I was able to get some of it back. The only thing new I did was download some CCs with TSR Manager.
@JINXEDFOXY I've never used TSR Manager, but perhaps that's moving files around, deleting supposed duplicates, or otherwise interfering. At any rate, this is why it's a good idea to have a backup copy of your critical Sims 4 content, or just the entire user folder. The next time something gets deleted, just grab a copy from the backup.
- 4 years ago
I'll have to do that. I still have copies from all the moving around I did, but they are not current.
I still want it on my HD and not my SSD drive. I'm not messing around with it anymore lol!
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