oRichard89o Your dxdiag doesn't list any other type of Sims 4 crash, but the XBox Overlay and Alienware Command Center are both crashing as well. So that's where to start.
Please disable Game Mode and Game Bar, both under Windows Settings > Gaming. And kill the Alienware Command Center in the Task Manager before you try to play; it and associated services will likely be in the background processes list. It will probably restart with Windows, so please remember to shut it down again if you're testing after rebooting.
If these steps don't help, please try playing with your computer offline. You can sign into the EA App and put it in offline mode, then disable wifi and/or disconnect the ethernet cable before pressing Play. This will cut off your access to the Gallery and block you from redeeming login rewards but shouldn't otherwise affect how you play, except possibly addressing the crashing issue.