Forum Discussion

Bluebell23456's avatar
4 years ago

Outside Perspectives on Problems with the Sims Games

I always find it very interesting to hear perspectives about problems with the Sims franchise from sources that consider themselves outside the community and the players. Usually when I see discussions about the games, like here on the forums, it is people very close to the issues who are quite nuanced with the details. However, sometimes these same issues are brought up by larger audiences in games media and sometimes random people in general.

From what I understand, the consensus seems to view the Sims as a very predatory game (due to its large quantities of DLC and their pricing) targeted at young women and casual players in particular. As well as a full fledged live service future being inevitable, something I find rather uncomfortable just because of how much I do not want it to happen.

Obviously those closer to the pulse will know the issues the best, but sometimes we can be bogged down in the details which is why I like thinking about these broader opinions even if they make me somewhat uncomfortable. Some of them do not seem all that different than ones echoed here in the forums.

So what are your experiences with such outside perspectives? What are they? Do you agree with them? Disagree with them? Find nothing to gain from them?

Sometimes the Sims feels very isolated from other games that I play and sometimes it doesn't, so it makes me curious what others experience in this regard.