Forum Discussion

Phantomlover1717's avatar
7 years ago

How the bug forum works

Welcome to our The Sims Mobile bug forum. 

What are bugs?
Bugs are software errors, which cause the game to behave other than intended. 

What are not bugs?

When the app crashes, get an error or you have trouble installing the app. You can ask your question on the Technical board.
When you have a question about the game or you just want to talk with other players you can do so on the Game information board.

How to find a bug in the bug forum

You can do so by first searching, using the search bar:

And have a peek at our list of known bugs, click here to go directly to that list.

If you do find the bug you're experiencing, you can press the 'Me too' button and leave a comment.

How to make your own bug report

If you can't find any bug report on the bug you're experiencing you can make a new bug report.  

You do this by pressing the big 'New Topic' button on the right side of your screen.

When you click this button a form will load. This form asks for information about your Phone, about you, and about what is going on.

Make sure to fill in all the fields, including the title and the big field at the bottom. 

Any screenshots you might have of the problem, are helpful. You can add them by pressing the 'Choose file' button at the bottom of the form you're filling out.  


How to report a bug in game

If you run into a bug, Answers HQ is the best place to report it. 'At Answers HQ, not only EA can see your bug, but other players as well, they might just know a workaround or even a fix.
It also gives a good overview of how big the bug is and how many people are affected by it. 

But you can also report a bug in the game. This is how:

You won't get any other notifications after you reported a bug this way.

What about your Player ID

Since May 2020 the bug report form doesn't ask for a Player ID, you can read all about this change over here:

However, it could still be someone from EA who contacts you about your Player ID. This is to be able to pull up your game to see the bug in your game.
It's always good to keep your Player ID saved somewhere just in case you need it in the future.

What happens after reporting the bug on Answers HQ

After you report the bug on Answers HQ, someone will have a look at your post. This could be a Hero, a Community Manager, or even a Simguru. 

Community Managers and SimGurus don't always answer, but they do read the forum to make sure they are aware of everything that's being reported here.

It could be there are additional questions before your bug gets added to the bug list. If your issue really seems to be a bug, it will be added to the list of known bugs.

This list is to help everyone find reported bugs and check their status easier.

If your post really is a bug your post will get a tag in front of the title. These are some tags you might see:

[Open] This bug is still present, it's on the bug list.

[To test] Just a little reminder for us, we still need to test this before we can add it to the list.

[Fixed?] There was an update and this issue might be fixed.

[Fixed] The issue was fixed! Yay!

[Solved] You or someone else found a solution.

[Closed] Nobody replied in a while, so we don't know if this is still an issue. We can always reopen if you do reply!

[Collection thread] This issue is bigger and has many different devices, or it's just a collection of little things.

[Workaround] A workaround was found, give it a try!

[Event] This bug report was about an event, might be fixed, might not be fixed. Hard to test. 

My post has a solution, but it isn't a solution.
In the bug forum, we use the solution as a way to notify a lot of players, it could be we need additional information. 

It could also be there is a workaround we want you to try. Or there was an update that should fix it, it might not and we want you to check your game.

The solution in the bug forums aren't always the solution, it just helps players get notified and a solution stands out from all the other messages.

It could also be you're being redirected to EA help. This happens when we think EA help can help you resolve the issue.
Or ease your burden while experiencing the bug.

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