Forum Discussion

II_Karpov_II's avatar
6 years ago

"Open only to players that completed the endgame at least once"


What does that means?

Thx, Karpov

9 Replies

  • It means that you participated in attacking a forgotten fortress at least once. This would mean that you would have researched at least 6 bases and have reached the center. You usually join a alliance or alliance wing to be able to complete this.
  • "gamerdruid;c-2052685" wrote:
    In short, you have a fortress killing badge.

    And what if that's was never a goal for me? I mean i played a lot this game, and i left always before to kill the center x)

    OK no wcs for me, maybe its better like this! Cuz we all know wcs is like EVIL as one guy told me!
  • Who's that guy that told you? I recall that the championship has special functions, I just forgot exactly which. Normally, you play your best to get to the center. You sim and try to get 1 hit kills, and when attacking bases, try hitting either CY or Defense facility. Either that, or dealing as much damage as you can while having low repair costs. You would then jump from alliance to alliance, especially during later stages as most players quit. So instead of 20 competing alliances, you are down to 4 plus a few wings.
  • Simple math : 5000 players in a big big competitive server. And we know that those good players are also big funders.

    In average they will spend (50€?) it means 50x5000 = 250000€ cash for EA. And you win 100€ if you get first the center :)

    Iam not judging anyone, i could still go to this server if i get badged until 29 march. But it sounds totally unfair to me :)
  • I'd be surprised if more than 500 spent the money you're suggesting. Most servers, including the WCS's have a lot of accounts that don't fund. Yes, most of the top players are funding heavily but even 500 is probably an over estimate. Quickly it will settle down to 2 or maybe 3 alliances of funding players until the winner is obvious, then it may be only 1. (Or if the winner is being challenged, then there may be more).

    On the criteria for getting onto the WCS I'd go further than one badge now. I'd say a 1st, 2nd or 3rd place badge only and on more than one world. That way it limits the players, yes. But on some worlds they are onto the 12th and 15th kill of the fortress and many alts on those worlds have a badge.
  • "gamerdruid;c-2053415" wrote:
    I'd be surprised if more than 500 spent the money you're suggesting. Most servers, including the WCS's have a lot of accounts that don't fund. Yes, most of the top players are funding heavily but even 500 is probably an over estimate. Quickly it will settle down to 2 or maybe 3 alliances of funding players until the winner is obvious, then it may be only 1. (Or if the winner is being challenged, then there may be more).

    On the criteria for getting onto the WCS I'd go further than one badge now. I'd say a 1st, 2nd or 3rd place badge only and on more than one world. That way it limits the players, yes. But on some worlds they are onto the 12th and 15th kill of the fortress and many alts on those worlds have a badge.

    I said in average, of course that there is people who will spend less money, but there is also some players that who will spend much more. 50€ in average for the whole server by player seems ok to me. But no one know the right numbers. Even if its 10€ (it means 50k€ lol)...

    I do not like that criteria about badges. It means that old players are necessarily better than new players* I do not agree with that. Some new players manage to understand the game really fast. And there is also some old players who still repeat same mistakes after 20 servers and 20 badges LOL.

  • "gamerdruid;c-2053512" wrote:
    Badges do not indicate understanding of the game.

    I quite agree on this. I have been playing across different worlds, only lasting a week or two. What I learned is that early week progress matters. If you can shoot camps in short order, you gain territory to move forward. Using Verts/Hawks speed up the process if you can lure enemies away from the CY. Also if your army is weak, its not going to matter, you could bait the units. You just need a lot of army units