The reason so many of us feel that EA doesn't care, is each update causes issues with the game. In this case a week later, and there is still ongoing issues, the solution was simple a complete roll back of the update.
The fact that a week later this hasn't happened tells us the users that behind wall, there is something seriously broken with the internal EA dev and change mgmt process, which resulted in this update being allowed to be pushed and it is so clear that whatever testing was done it was not complete. Its as if a app Dev ran it on their work station it worked on that box so it was signed off on it.
It also indicates that whoever is driving this clown car, feels that they know better then the customer.
A week later and no official word from EA about this issue, the landing page still shows the update announcement, which actually is ironic because the glorious release notes would have you think that the update was suppose to improve the login process and the ability to navigate, between servers.
As EA mgmt is gleefully aware the majority of people playing this game fund their accounts.
Because we are in fact paying EA customers our expectation is that a issue that prevents us from using the product we paid for, should be addressed quickly and resolved, and again a week later the issue still is ongoing.
Lastly Elephterion, after being told over and over again too dump cookies and then over and over again the issue continues, it makes the cookie exercise seem more like a classic help desk issue punt,and not a resolution.
Yes clearly with this game cookies are part of the clockwork, But come on, all the suggested work around's are nonsense when the issue is wide spread and still ongoing.
This is not a open source game, as a paying customer I should not be expected too fix the game to play the game, a week later and the only recourse I have is jump through all the hoops that may or may not work, or not play and walk away from the money invested in the game for services not provided, leaving me with no recourse.
I honestly believe that this failure has more to do with the internal workings of EA and the various mgmt and project teams not working under the same process's its as if this giant global software company has never heard of ITIL, Scrum, or any other form of Process mgmt. EA needs to resolve this game issue(s), communicate too the user base why they consistently chose to ignore the customers, and provide some type of compensation. .... honestly this is beyond the users and though its technical problem it requires a mgmt solution too ensure that going forward this nonsense with this game no longer happens..EA needs to get a clue and follow the 6 p's proper, planning, prevents, piss, poor, performance.
Don't suffer the customer the process. the process most be flexible to change... End of the day I just want to play the game, to be able to login, change worlds and too be acknowledged as a paying customer.