Forum Discussion

DeathMetalEagle's avatar
6 years ago

Resource from Base 10 onwards

Would someone please explain why the resources granted for a new base lock at 150G Tiberium, 250G Crystal and 100G Power when you get to Base 10?
That is until you get to Base 31!!!!!! whence you'll find that the resources scale upwards again.
  • "EE_Elephterion;c-2080925" wrote:
    We are looking into this now after 19.3 has been finalized on the PTE.

    How's it going? Any developments?
    Really sux that everything else costs more exponentially but the starting resources stay the same. Also kinda sux that the Camps are capped at = OL and ofc EVERYTHING is capped at Level 65. I remember when they bought that cap in. I'd just started playing and couldn't help but feel a little sorry for the poor guys sat in the centre ( with no fortress ( it hadn't been implemented at that point!)) with their level 70 stuff which they must've spent an absolute fortune on, only to have it capped at 65. Not happy bunnies
    Anyway, back to the point: PLEASE FIX THIS ASAP.
  • It may have been a while, but things do take quite some time to change in the game. There is currently a test running on the PTE around increasing the caps from 65 to 70 and increasing the Forgotten Bases by 5 all around. This was on an existing PTE world that had been running for 90 days approximately.

    Starting resources for each level of base hasn't been tested on the PTE. It is possible to test it, but, it would make the PTE much slower and take a long time to test the effect. Changing it on an existing world may be more difficult for a number of reasons, some technical some not.

    If they changed it on an existing production world (non-PTE) then those that had reached or passed base 10 would rightly complain on two grounds, one that they didn't and two it is giving an unfair help to opponents who have not reached that point, but are close.

    Firestorm worlds are where strange and unusual settings now take place (usually after some testing on a PTE) so look out for the next one, whenever it may come along!
  • "gamerdruid;c-2088321" wrote:

    If they changed it on an existing production world (non-PTE) then those that had reached or passed base 10 would rightly complain on two grounds, one that they didn't and two it is giving an unfair help to opponents who have not reached that point, but are close.

    Well as I'm ranked one by quite some distance that's not an issue tbh. Please remedy asap!

  • I can't see the resources changing for a production world, I have not got a say in the issue though and have been wrong in the past.
  • Why is it so easy to change things for the worse and so hard to change them back to the way it was? The base that i mentioned at the beginning of this "conversation" is now a level 50 and able to finally defend itself. Still have no harvesters or silos on it, only power generation, what a joke!
  • Partly because 'changes for the worse' are usually not intentional changes.
  • Can you AT LEAST increase the Power that is provided with a new base, the resources I (and everyone else!) can transfer to the new base. What is the use of finding a decent base layout, if you can't even put silos or harvesters on it? May as well just use any base, because it is going to take more than a year to build it up to a decent size.
  • Hello Commander,

    we are looking into the balancing values for new bases founded, however we are reluctant to push that change on any existing world. We are going to test these changes on the PTE first.