Forum Discussion

ShammysDad's avatar
3 years ago

I'm lost. Help?

Hey there,

I'm lost with some things. I'm now at level 121 and I see this building called "King Toots" that's locked with it saying that I need to complete "we don't sell MyPods pt 2".. I don't remember ever doing Part 1. And I can't find anything that will help me start this one. I thought that all the quests ended with that level 60 thing. Was I wrong or did they add new things? Where am I with it?

Thanks for your help! I'm not the brightest crayon in the box these days.
  • Yes I got it sorted. Bizarre solution as well. Simply, "make Lisa play the sax 3 times."

    There was no task telling me to do so in the task book, so I'm just going to guess that it's a glitch.
  • > @Nicknd84 said:
    > Found this

    Thank you for your reply!! I found that most of the people having trouble with it before were at a much lower level and it seemed to be an issue with needing a trouble ticket. I learned how to check my task book for tasks and also check my inventory for things I might have stored. Nothing popped out at me there. I guess I might just have to submit a ticket.