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8 years ago

Pin Pals: Premium Walkthrough
La Proposale Pt. 1

Jacques starts

Jacques: Marge, my dear! How many lifetimes has it been since we were together?
Jacques: Please allow me to take you to brunch. I don't mean to brag, but I have my own table at the Waffle Hut.
Marge: I'll go, but just as friends. I'm still happily married. Well, married.

Task: Make Jacques Meet Marge for Brunch
Time: 2h
Location: Eatery
Requires: Marge

Jacques: I must confess, there is a thirst in me that not even these bottomless mimosas can quench.
Jacques: I need you, Marge! As the pins yearn for the bowling ball, or the damp fingers yearn for that little fan.
Marge: I'm sorry, Jacques, I'm not interested. But I may know someone who is.

La Proposale Pt. 2

Jacques starts

Jacques: Ah, you must be Selma! Marge was right – you do look a bit like her if I squint.
Selma: That accent, and that backhanded compliment – so French! I'm intrigued.
Jacques: Selma, do you enjoy the theatre?
Selma: I dunno... if I want sticky floors and the smell of stale butter I can just go home.

Task: Make Jacques Take Selma to See French Theatre
Time: 12h
Location: Springfield Library
Requires: Selma

Selma: Jacques, I had a great time tonight, even if I couldn't understand what was going on.
Jacques: It was a French film, my sweet. No one understood what was going on.
Selma: The night is young, just like me according to my driver's license. Shall we go back to your place?

La Proposale Pt. 3

Jacques starts

Jacques: Selma I am madly in love with you, but there's just one thing I require...
Selma: I knew it was too good to be true. What do you need? An alibi? A loan? A kidney? An alibi for where you got that loaned kidney?
Jacques: No... marriage!

Task: Make Jacques Propose to Selma
Time: 8h
Location: Fiesta Terrace
Requires: Selma

Jacques: Selma, would you marry... Hans Moleman?
Selma: I do... not understand what's going on.
Jacques: I need the excitement of dating a married woman. My love must be like my entry to the women's locker room: forbidden!
Selma: But I am a married woman. I've been married five times in fact.
Selma: Why don't I just put one of those rings back on and complain non-stop about my exes?

La Proposale Pt. 4

Selma starts

Jacques: Please Selma, I only want what I cannot have. You must be like the moon to me, or an affordable haircut that looks good right away.
Selma: How do I know it won't fall apart like my other marriages?
Jacques: What ruined those marriages?
Selma: Let's see... publicity stunt, attempted murder, old age, disco fever, and undisclosed.
Jacques: Those were all flawed because they were built on foundations of love. But this will be built on... my weird sexual hang-ups!

If the user has Hans Moleman: Task: Make Selma Flirt With Moleman
Time: 16h
Location: Eatery
Requires: Hans Moleman
Task: Make Jacques Practice His Tango
Time: 8h

La Proposale Pt. 5

Marge starts

Marge: Hi Selma! How are things with Jacques?
Selma: He's asking me to marry, just not to him.
Selma: Now I'm worried I'll end up with a marriageless love and a loveless marriage.
Marge: If I've learned one thing from Jacques, it's how to pick up a seven ten split. But if I've learned two things, it's that he'll take advantage of you.
Selma: You're right – I should end it now. Grr, love was so much easier when my fiancée just wanted me dead.

Task: Make Selma Break Up With Jacques
Time: 24h
Location: Fiesta Terrace
Requires: Jacques

Jacques: But Selma, I need you! And not just to help me finish these home fries.
Selma: I'm sorry. I care for you, but I can't stoop so low as to marry someone like Hans Moleman.
Hans Moleman: I still don't understand why you had to bring me along.
Jacques: Well Selma, if you ever do find Mr. Right, then please cheat on him with me.

Quest reward: 200 money 20 XP
Tavern-Sitter Pt. 1

Moe starts

Pin Pal Moe: Hey Barney, gimme a hand here, will ya? Set these empties up at the end of the bar.
Barney: Practicing your bowling skills?
Pin Pal Moe: I was just going to huck 'em at rats. But yeah, yours is a better idea.
Pin Pal Moe: I'd practice at the bowling alley, but who knows what scheme you bozos would get up to alone at the bar.
Lenny: Aw, thanks Moe. It means a lot that you think we're capable of scheming.

Task: Make Pin Pal Moe Practice Bowling at the Bar
Time: 4h
Location: Moe's Tavern
Task: Make Bar Flies Order Drinks Between Frames
Time: 4h
Location: Moe's Tavern

Tavern-Sitter Pt. 2

Moe starts

Pin Pal Moe: This bar bowling ain't working! I can't keep stopping to pick shattered glass out of Barney's face every five minutes.
Pin Pal Moe: Guess I'm gonna have to ask one of you guys to watch the bar so I can practice?
Carl: Happy to do it. What do we get paid?
Pin Pal Moe: How about I give you all the nickels and dimes I fish out of the urinals? But no quarters!

Task: Make Pin Pal Moe Go Out for a Few Rounds of Bowling
Time: 12h
Location: Pin Pals Bowling Alley
If the user has reached Level 24: Task: Reach Level 27 and Build Springfield Buddhist Temple
If the user has reached Level 24: Task: Make Lenny and Carl Watch the Bar
Time: 12h
Location: Moe's Tavern
Requires: Carl

Pin Pal Moe: I'm back. Wait a second... what's that weird smell?
Carl: It's the absence of vomit.
Lenny: We scrubbed the floor with that bucket of mop water behind the bar.
Pin Pal Moe: That wasn't mop water – that was for watering down the booze!

Tavern-Sitter Pt. 3

Moe starts

Pin Pal Moe: Whoever watches the bar has to be more like me: morally flexible but physically brittle, and with a gambling problem.
Snake: Hands up barkeep! Gimme all your cash and no one gets hurt!
Pin Pal Moe: Bingo!
Snake: Bingo? Where? Put all my money on I29!
Pin Pal Moe: Perfect. How about instead of robbing the place, you watch it for a few hours?
Snake: That sounds suspiciously like honest work.
Pin Pal Moe: Trust me, it ain't.

Task: Make Pin Pal Moe Bowl Aggressively
Time: 4h
If the user has Bowling Lane: Location: Bowling Lane
If the user doesn't have Bowling Lane: Location: Pin Pals Bowling Alley, Bowlarama or Brown House
Task: Make Snake Serve Drinks, Loot the Bar, and Then Bail
Time: 2h
Location: Moe's Tavern

Barney: I can't believe you let Snake watch the bar over me. He took all your money!
Pin Pal Moe: Better than taking all my beer!

Quest reward: 200 money 20 XP

The Perfect Game: Moe

After unlocking Pin Pal Moe

Task: Make Pin Pal Moe Go Bowling
Time: 20h
Location: Pin Pals Bowling Alley, Bowlarama or Brown House

System Message: Moe just bowled a perfect game, bringing his grand total of good things that've happened to him to one. Here's a reward to celebrate his achievement!

Quest reward: Perfect Game Balloon
Pin Power Pt. 1

Mr. Burns starts

Pin Pal Burns: Smithers, I'm afraid I have to go join my fellow Pin Pals in training.
Pin Pal Burns: In my absence, I need you to watch over my precious plant with an iron fist.
Smithers: I bought a sequined glove at the flea market last Saturday. Is that close enough, sir?
Pin Pal Burns: It'll have to do. Just don't let those brutes smell fear on you. Or fresh fish.
Smithers: Are we talking about your employees or bears, sir?

Task: Make Pin Pal Burns Go Bowling
Time: 20h
Location: Pin Pals Bowling Alley, Bowlarama or Brown House
Task: Reach Level 25 and Build Burns Manor
Task: Make Smithers Rule the Plant With an Iron Fist
Time: 20h
Location: Control Building

Smithers: You there! I've got my eye on you!
Carl: Aww, thanks Mr. Smithers, looking out for the little guy.
Smithers: No! I meant that I expect you to do better work!
Lenny: You believe in me? So encouraging – reminds me of my mom!

Pin Power Pt. 2

Mr. Burns starts

Pin Pal Burns: What's going on here, Smithers? I see men smiling, whistling while they work. And is that a glimmer of hope in their eyes?!
Smithers: No sir! It must be radioactive dust in the air.
Smithers: Alright, I admit it – I can't seem to keep their spirits down! Even my “No Socializing at Work” themed ice cream social was a failure.
Pin Pal Burns: When I get back, I expect to see broken spirits, hollow eyes, and stomachs full for the coming winter hibernation.
Smithers: I think you're on bears again sir.

Task: Make Pin Pal Burns Bowl With Difficulty
Time: 4h
If the user has Bowling Lane: Location: Bowling Lane
If the user doesn't have Bowling Lane: Location: Pin Pals Bowling Alley, Bowlarama or Brown House
Task: Make Smithers Fret About Burns All Day
Time: 4h
Location: Control Building
Task: Make Plant Workers Enjoy Further Freedom From Oppression
Time: 4h
Location: Control Building

Lenny: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think I love my job.
Smithers: Say something like that again and I'm writing you up!
Carl: How refreshing to have a boss who actually listens to what we say. Thanks, Mr. Smithers.

Pin Power Pt. 3

Mr. Burns starts

Smithers: Please forgive me sir, but we just received this letter.
Pin Pal Burns: "Congratulations, you've been nominated as one of Springfield's top employers for providing a safe and friendly work environment..."
Pin Pal Burns: Smithers, this is terrible! All that time spent chaining the emergency exits shut and for what?
Pin Pal Burns: Cover for me at the bowling alley. I expect my plant to be Upton Sinclair-worthy at all times.

Task: Make Smithers Bowl With the Pin Pals
Time: 12h
Location: Control Building
Task: Make Burns Unleash Maximum Oppression on Plant Workers
Time: 12h
Location: Pin Pals Bowling Alley

Lenny: *shiver* Does anyone else feel that?
Carl: It's like the joy is being drained from my body. So tired, so slow...
Mr. Burns: That's right – crumble beneath my malevolent gaze. And the trace amounts of CO2 I'm pumping in through the vents.
Smithers: It's good to have you back, sir. I really missed your cruelty and pettiness.
Mr. Burns: Enough of your compliments already!

Quest reward: 200 money 20 XP

The Perfect Game: Burns

After unlocking Pin Pal Burns

Task: Make Pin Pal Burns Go Bowling
Time: 20h
Location: Pin Pals Bowling Alley, Bowlarama or Brown House

System Message: By some miracle (specifically, bribes and coercion) Mr. Burns just bowled a perfect game. Here's a reward to celebrate his great achievement!

Quest reward: Perfect Game Balloon