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9 years ago

Wild West: Premium Walkthrough

A Trot to Remember Pt. 1

Bart starts

Bart: Furious D! How's it going?
Furious D: *neighs sullenly, meaning: “Lousy, my filly left me for another horse.”*
Furious D: *neighs again, translating to: “I don't know. I guess I blame myself. She had dreams I never took seriously.”*
Furious D: *hangs head lower, “I thought I should be enough for her. But she had so much to share with the world, you know?”*
Bart: Not really. I'm only ten, dude.
Furious D: *neighs in indifference, “Ten's not so young. Your life is like, half over.”*
Bart: Humans live to be eighty. Or more.
Furious D: ...
Furious D: *snorting with disgust, implying: “Well, that's fair. I get twenty years, you get eighty. Yet I have to carry you around on my back. Being a horse is great.”*
Bart: You're bumming me out, D. We need to find you a new girlfriend.

Task: Make Furious D Speed Date
Time: 2h
Time: Corral

A Trot to Remember Pt. 2

Bart starts

Bart: Well? How'd the dating go, D?
Furious D: *neighs with joy, meaning: “I met a great filly. Artsy, but ground. It feels like we've always been together, but every moment is brand new.”*
Bart: Ew. I mean, uh, good for you.
Furious D: *neighs and continues: “It's like she sees the real me. Down deep, where I'm just a newborn foal, scared and vulnerable. “It's okay. You are safe”, she whispers.”*
Bart: Let's never speak of this again, okay?

Task: Make Furious D Feel Young Again
Time: 4h
Time: Corral

A Trot to Remember Pt. 3

Furious D starts

Furious D: *nudges Bart, pointing his nose at a nearby saddle.*
Bart: You want to ride again? All right, D! Let's show the world what a happy horse can do!
Bart: Let's head to Springfield Downs and get in on a race!

Task: Make Bart Ride Again with Furious D
Time: 6h
Time: Springfield Downs
Requires: Furious D

On job start:
Furious D: Stepping up to the gate now is Furious D!
Furious D: The race is on! Furious D is first out the gate!
Furious D: Look at Furious D go!
Furious D: And look at every other horse running right by him! I've never seen a slower horse than Furious D!
Furious D: I don't know what the term is for the opposite of a triumphant return, but that's what Furious D has given us!

On job end:
Bart: I really thought you'd win, now that you're full of life again.
Furious D: *neighs in realization, meaning: “I was just too happy. Suddenly running my butt off for a little acclaim seemed kind of silly.”*
Bart: I knew it! Happiness is a liability to success! Miserable people are the only ones to get things done.

City Stickler Pt. 1

Lisa starts

Lisa: Luke Stetson? I haven't seen you since--
Luke Stetson: --since your family came to my dude ranch. Where you met me, a gentle, sensitive, animal-lover.
Luke Stetson: This was just before you put my sister in mortal danger ‘cause you thought she was my girlfriend.
Lisa: I believe that's an accurate synopsis of the episode, yes.
Luke Stetson: All I know about TV are Wikipedia plot synopses. I can't ever watch the episodes. A computer's too heavy for backcountry life.
Luke Stetson: We just print out all of Wikipedia, and lug it behind us on 10,000 mules.
Lisa: I'm surprised you're here to find the gold, too.
Luke Stetson: Well, I need the money to fund a wildlife refuge. “Gentle, caring animal-lover,” remember?
Lisa: Do I ever...

Task: Make Luke Stetson Search for Hidden Gold With Lisa
Time: 8h
Requires: Lisa

City Stickler Pt. 2

Lisa starts

Lisa: So, Luke, tell me about this wildlife preserve you want to build.
Luke Stetson: Picture acres and acres of unspoiled wilderness, where deer, bear and all manner of insects can be humanely hunted.
Lisa: I'm sorry... hunted?
Luke Stetson: Just for population control. If you have too many deer, they'll band together and invent firearms. Then it's so long, humanity.

Task: Make Luke Stetson Shop for Supplies
Time: 2h
Time: General Store

City Stickler Pt. 3

Lisa starts

Lisa: Luke, you, uh, said something about people hunting insects on your wildlife preserve?
Luke Stetson: Bow hunting, yes. Shooting an insect with a gun ain't sporting.
Lisa: What kind of INSECTS do people hunt?
Luke Stetson: Oh, all kinds. Ants, weevils, butterflies...
Lisa: I guess you're living proof you can “love” animals and not really know much about them.
Luke Stetson: Heh heh. You sound just like an ant I know.

Task: Make Luke Stetson Search for Hidden Gold
Time: 8h
Time: Town Plaza

City Stickler Pt. 4

Lisa starts

Lisa: Luke! Did you have any luck finding gold?
Luke Stetson: Nope. Looks like I'll never open my wildlife preserve.
Luke Stetson: I'm blue. I feel a song comin' on.
Luke Stetson: A song about a boy who wanted to open a wildlife preserve, but couldn't find gold to pay for it.
Lisa: You wrote a song about your pain?
Luke Stetson: No. There's only two kinds of cowboy songs: “boy-can't-find-gold-to-pay-for-refuge,” and “my-pickup-truck-just-left-me-for-another-man.”

Task: Make Luke Stetson Play a Trail Song
Time: 8h
Time: Hootenanny Barn

City Stickler Pt. 5

Lisa starts

Lisa: That was beautiful. Are you sure there's no chance for us, Luke?
Luke Stetson: I'm thirteen. You're eight. Wouldn't it be super creepy if I thought there WAS a chance for us?
Lisa: Wow. When you put it that way, I guess you're right. Ew.
Luke Stetson: It don't mean I can't call you a friend. In a “what's the harm in pretending I like hanging out with an 8-year-old” sorta way.
Lisa: Eh, I think I'll pass. Bye.

Task: Make Luke Stetson Play a Trail Song
Time: 8h
Time: Hootenanny Barn

This Old Mine

Snake starts

Snake: What a totally rad old mine! I bet there's some neat artifacts down there.
Snake: I think I'll relive the glory days a bit and check it out!

Task: Make Snake Dig for Artifacts
Time: 2h
Time: Old Mine

Snake: Alright, time to like, see what I've got here.
Snake: Some kind of time travel car from the 80's-
Snake: -an android head, and pictures of cave-man graffiti.
Snake: So lame! I don't regret my career change to professional criminal at all!

  • ACT 3
    Hick and the Beanstalk Pt. 1

    Cletus starts

    Cletus: Hey, Brandine! I's going to the store! You need anythin'?
    Cletus: It's that age-old problem: what do you get the woman who has everythin'?
    Cletus: All the important stuff is taken care of: we got a hovel, a nice uneven dirt floor, plenty of malnutrition for the kids...

    Task: Make Cletus Spend the Welfare Check
    Time: 6h
    Time: Sneed's Feed and Seed

    Hick and the Beanstalk Pt. 2

    Cletus starts

    Cletus: Hey Brandine! I met a nice feller on the way to market, and I traded all our money for these here magic beans!
    Brandine: Magic beans! That's how all kinds of stories start. I wonder what our adventure will be?
    Cletus: Prolly somethin' dumb like a goose what poops gold, and then we'll steal it and be set for life or whatever.
    Brandine: Yeah, just our luck.
    Cletus: Yeah. Well, at least it'll be somethin' to do. Magic, adventure, and cloud-based, giant-run goose farms, here we come.

    Task: Make Cletus Care for Bean
    Time: 4h
    Time: Cletus's Farm

    Hick and the Beanstalk Pt. 3

    Cletus starts

    Brandine: How come we ain't got a magic beanstalk growin' up to Heaven yet?
    Cletus: It would seem that I have erred. ‘Stead of plantin' the beans, I went and ate them.
    Brandine: No high-altitude adventure for the Spuckler clan, I guess. I woulda liked some of them beans to eat myself, though.
    Cletus: Well, I CAN end this disappointing false start of a story with a deeply disturbing mission that will appease everyone's hunger.
    Cletus: Sinking to a new low, I bring you: “Cletus regurgitates food into the mouths of his loved ones.” Oof.

    Task: Make Cletus Regurgitate Food Like A Bird
    Time: 2h
    Time: Cletus's Farm

    Drool Grit Pt. 1

    Maggie starts

    Marge: Maggie, you look so cute! All dressed up for a life of backwardness and constant struggle!
    Prairie Maggie: *suck* *suck*
    Marge: No, you CAN'T go out to play with your animal friends. And yes, I KNOW you did it once before.
    Marge: But I choose to believe that storyline was a fantasy sequence.
    Prairie Maggie: *suck* *suck* *suck-suck suck suck-suck-suck SUCK suck*
    Marge: Oh, how would YOU know what's real? You're a baby.
    Marge: Let's do a real frontier mommy-daughter activity. Let's churn some butter!
    Marge: I'm tired of feeding my family processed food. Now I can make healthy, unprocessed butter by processing milk in this butter churn!
    Marge: I won't miss this ten-pound tub of Land-O-Lard butter, I can tell you that!
    Prairie Maggie: *suck* *suck*

    Task: Make Marge Churn Butter
    Task: Make Prairie Maggie Build a Decoy Maggie Out of Butter
    Time: 3h
    Time: Simpson House

    Drool Grit Pt. 2

    Maggie starts

    Marge: Oh my... oh my stars, churning butter is... horrible. So dull... and painful...
    Marge: Old-timey people... such idiots. Can see why they... went extinct.
    Marge: Maggie, Mommy needs to lie down. Just... watch TV or something...
    Prairie Maggie: *sneaky suck*

    Task: Make Marge Recover From Churning Butter
    Task: Make Prairie Maggie Escape and Befriend Wild Animals
    Time: 8h
    Time: Simpson House

    Drool Grit Pt. 3

    Maggie starts

    Marge: Homie! Kids! Dinner is ready!
    Marge: I hope you like FRESH BUTTER, gang! Me and Butter Maggie churned it ourselves.
    Marge: Isn't that right, Butter Maggie?
    Prairie Maggie: ...
    Homer: Answer your mother when she speaks to you, Butter Maggie!
    Marge: Oh my God! Someone has replaced Maggie with a Butter Maggie! We've got to find our baby!

    Task: Make Simpsons Search for Maggie
    Time: 1h
    Time: Homes
    Task: Make Prairie Maggie Fly Free
    Time: 1h

    Drool Grit Pt. 4

    Maggie starts

    Prairie Maggie: *giggles*
    Marge: Why did you do it, Maggie? Why did you run away?
    Prairie Maggie: *suck* *suck suck suck*
    Homer: What did she say, Marge?
    Marge: I couldn't make it out. She must be distraught -- she's sucking nonsense.
    Marge: Well, I'm going to make sure she can never run away again!
    Prairie Maggie: *suck*

    Task: Make Marge Overly Secure the House
    Time: 12h
    Time: Simpson House

    Drool Grit Pt. 5

    Homer starts

    Homer: Bart, you look exhausted. What's wrong?
    Bart: Mom's got this house locked up tight as a drum. I spent all night trying to sneak out.
    Homer: The important thing is you tried, and I'm proud of you.
    Bart: What? Why?
    Homer: Well, I'm not really proud. But I think that's what good parents say to their kids.
    Homer: Thought I'd throw the “p-word” out there one time. You know, for a goof.
    Prairie Maggie: *cries*

    Task: Make Homer Try to Parent
    Task: Make Bart Struggle With Child-Proof Locks
    Time: 2h
    Time: Simpson House
    Task: Make Marge Try to Comfort Maggie
    Time: 2h
    Time: Simpson House
    Requires: Maggie

    Drool Grit Pt. 6

    Maggie starts

    Marge: Maggie spends all day staring out the window, looking for her animal friends.
    Homer: Face it, Marge. Maggie is a creature of the forest. And we just have to be proud of her.
    Marge: “Proud?” Why?
    Marge: Geez, sorry. Settle down.
    Homer: No, I should apologize. I'm sorry I got proud of my kids. It'll never happen again.
    Homer: Now run along and play with your rabid buddies, Maggie!
    Prairie Maggie: *giggles*

    Task: Make Prairie Maggie Befriend Wild Animals
    Time: 8h
    Time: Simpson House
  • I like the part in Act 2 where snake uncovers the Time car From the 80's. what would be cool is if they would add a premium purchase in the store for the actual car and hopefully it would animate and disappear and reappear, and if they could manage it when it reappears in reappears in a different place in your town.
  • Does Prairie Maggie have any 16h task? If so, this will be an instant-buy for me, no matter what!