Forum Discussion

trevaspc's avatar
12 years ago

Login error

Do you listen a harpe? If yes, it's the same problem here. :(
  • I don't believe these forums are looked at by anyone at EA. I have taken the following steps and would encourage anyone else having the frozen screen do the same:

    1) Contact EA directly at
    You will get a case number and a form letter, but at least it's something. I submitted to multiple catagories (i.e. Tech Support, Feedback, Billing)

    2) If you've made in app purchases contact apple. I used the emailed receipt with a report a problem link. Inform them you've made a purchase but aren't able to use it because of the developers error.

    3) Leave a negitive rating and review on iTunes. Game rankings are something devolpers care about because it effects placement on the home screen and best of lists, and negitives discourage new users.
  • You must have the harp freeze. Try plugging in your device and turning your auto-lock to never. Then just let the game sit on the loading screen for 15-30 minutes. If the game crashes in the first 10 minutes, then ty tapping the loading screen for the whole time. Just keep on trying which one is lasting longer before a crash. If none of these work, try logging in on another device. ( Iphone 5 seems to be getting a lot of people back in). Good luck!
  • Plugging In the device and turning off auto lock does not work. Have tried at least 20 times to do this the last 3 days now. I have over 200 donuts and 700 hearts waiting for me but can't access them! Have also uninstalled and reinstalled several times with no result. Left negative feedback and emailed EA under 3 different problem issues over this just praying they pay attention. By the time the next update comes, valentines will be over and all our hearts gone!
    Please EA, get your stuff together and fix it before tapped out rehab and the harp of doom drive us insane!

  • What is that "CR..P" you are suggesting there imfkool? Trying to login for an hour than play for 5 minutes to get kicked out again and trying it for another hour? I don not know how much time you have to waste? I have not that much