2 years ago
Pacenote editor
removed due to EA admin Barry removing bug report about inappropriate ruzzian flag being present in the game, a bug that even WRC10 did not have.
The Pacenote Editor could be easily impletented into the game with this method.
Step 1. Let the driver run a Recce Run.
2. He/She sets pacenote call positions with a button (box collider at the cars 0,0,0 transform position with 10m width, 5 meters height, 1m depth)
3. Dropdown menu for simple list of strings and ints, where string is "type" - for example "tightens" and the int is "corner strength - for example "3" optional note dropdown is an int of "distance- for example "100"
4. Summary screen after the recce where you see the existing stage map and the notes, and you can reassign their positions on the road.
5. Save
What it requires is just a UI element with the dropdown menus, a listener script that records pacenote vector3 positions and a UI element to drag and drop positions on the stage curve. (And of course a Save/ Load script to use them in any gamemode)
Obviously we write notes after we took the corner and we will press the button after the corner that's why we want to reassign positions.