When i try to click on open small business it doesn’t do anything. And i don’t have any mods installed.
Edit By Crinrict: Added pack tag to title.
EDIT by crinrict.
this is potentially relate...
[BH] Can’t open small business
3 days agoNew Traveler
Having the same issue,
Yes I deleted localthumbcache file
Small business only, new build not downloaded from the gallery. It was generic prior to being renamed as a small business venue
Did not try with premade. I DID however open an old save that I only use as a test file so I havent used it in months. I didnt have a single issue. Business opened just fine and it was a build that was already on the lot that I build more than a year ago. So im going to try to see if there is an issue with the lot or if it's the save file itself.
2 days agoNew Traveler
UPDATE: So I went back to my previous save file and turned the Willow Creek gym into a small business. Then I picked some random a** sim to own it. Went to open the business and there was NO issue. This led me to believe it was the lot that was the problem in the original post. I built it myself BUT I built it ahead of pack release, so it was originally named as a generic lot. I went back to the lot in question, uploaded it to my library as a small business and then replaced the lot. The original sim had to repurchase it, even though she still showed as the owner AND the settings had to be readjusted. But there were no further issues and the persisting issues were due to object placement and other user errors. So it does work and it works just fine. I just needed to replace the build as a Small Business. Originally, I changed it from generic to small business and then had my sim purchase it. Hope that helps yall. Dag dag!
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