
AvaSJones's avatar
Seasoned Novice
26 days ago

Brightness slider making skin tones appear ashy on certain tattoos

When using the brightness slider on two of the tattoos with the slider enabled, the sim's skin appears ashy, as if it was being brightened and blued in some way too.

Packs installed: All (up to and excluding B&H)

Game Version:

Mods installed: None

Tattoos affected:

Base game left sleeve with flowers, scales, and waves.

Base game chest tattoo with heart and flowers.

The issue is compounded if both are applied and made brighter, and not present in the other tattoos that allow brightness to be changed. The effect is seen more clearly on sims with darker skin tones, but is also slightly visible on sims with lighter skin tones. 


  • AvaSJones's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    24 days ago

    I've had a look at the two tattoos this affects in Sims 4 Studio, and I believe I've worked out what the issue is. There's a low opacity grey layer across the whole texture. Presumably this has been an issue since the game launched, and has gone unnoticed until the new tattoo system allowed the layer's perceived colour to be changed, making the effect more noticeable.

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