whenever i try to get into cas it is just stuck at the loading screen, i saw someone else say it was happening to them and they removed the multiple columns mods and it worked after, i removed the mod, repaired the game and retared it multiple times and its still not working and just on the loading screen, is there anything else i can do to try to fix it?
cas not opening since new update
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- luvang4l8 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
omg!! literally having the same issue! I repaired my game multiple times, updated and cleaned/ oragnized my cc and its still not working :(
- the8bitoctavius8 months agoNew Spectator
not only can i not use cas, but my hud has some of the icons mixed around. i've tried to get rid of any problem cc but it hasn't changed anything.
- Narlyfinesse8 months agoNew Spectator
my icons are mixed around too :( I've tried to clean out my cc and repair my game but nothing is working.
- NeutrinaEditora8 months agoSeasoned Scout
It is definitely not the CC or the mods, it's the update, updates usually originate a mess for a short while.
- in_search_of_8 months agoSeasoned Spectator
Same! I’ve tried multiple times and i can’t go into CAS. I’m stuck on the loading screen each time.
- juliems008 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
It is indeed the CC or mods, cause it works without any mods. I’m trying to comb through my mods folder. I can confirm that the script mods are not the cause of the cas bug, it’s a cc, but I haven’t found it yet.
- Angel_Moon0228 months agoNew Spectator
I can't open my CAS too! I tried to repair the game and delete the new mods i had installed but nothing worked and it just stayed on the loading screen.
- NeutrinaEditora8 months agoSeasoned Scout
I don't use cc or mods in my game. Still is not loading CAS since the second update.
- juliems008 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
Hey me again 😭 Found the culprit, it’s the More columns mod and probably UI cheats, my cas works again! Saw it worked for others too now
- NeutrinaEditora8 months agoSeasoned Scout
I don' t have the columns mod or UI cheats though. I read they are investigating the problem.
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